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Gas is not exactly a synonym for fizz, but the phrase gas bubbles would be.

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Q: Is gas a chemical synonym for the word fizz?
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What is the name of fizz gas in sherbet?

The name of the fizz gas in a sherbet is hydrogen.

What is the synonym for the word fuel?

gasoline, ammunition, gas, food or nourisher

What puts the fizz in soda water?

Carbon dioxide gas puts the fizz in soda water.

What is the hissing noise when you open a soda?

Well, It is actually the contained gas particles trapped in the can and when you open it then it rushes out and the fizz is from when the oxygen gets in the can and creates a chemical reaction.

What does fizz mean?

Effervescence is the escape of gas from an aqueous solution, for example a soft drink when opened will "fizz" as the carbon dioxide gas that was pressurised into the drink escapes.

Why does it fizz when a gas is produced?

The cause is the movement of gas bubbles formed in the liquid.

Does coke have more fizz in a bottle or a can?

In a bottle because the coke in the bottle,the gas carbon dioxide to make it fizz.

What gives colas and sodas their fizz?

Carbon Dioxide gas.

When you freeze a pepsi why does it lose its fizz?

The gas carbon dioxide

Which gas law explains the fizz in soda?

Henry's Law

Which gas adds fizz to carbonated drinks?

carbon daixoside

What creates fizz?

Escaping gas causes the fizz. For example, when you open a can of cola, the fizzing is due to escaping carbon dioxide (CO2).