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Q: Is gasline antifreeze 100 percent alcohol?
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How many gallons of 70 percent antifreeze should be mixed with 30 percent antifreeze to make 100 gallons of 45 percent antifreeze?

x*(70/100)+y*(30/100)=100*(45/100) .7x+.3y=45 x+y=100 y=100-x .7x+.3(100-x)=45 .7x+30-.3x=45 .4x=15 x=15/.4=37.5 gallons y=100-x=100-37.5=62.5 gallons

What percent alcohol is 100 proof bourbon?

50% alcohol Proof ÷ 2 = % alcohol

Why 70 percent alchohal is more effective than 100 percent?

100% alcohol is more effective because of the more alcohol concentration in the drink.

How do you make 95 percent alcohol from 100 percent?

You mix the pure alcohol with something else, for example, water.

A garage owner wants to fill a 55-gallon drum with a 20 percent winter mixture of antifreeze for his customers How many gallons of 100 percent antifreeze should he mix with some 10 percent antifreeze?

Let a be the volume of 100% antifreeze then 55 - a is the volume of 10% antifreeze. 100a + 10(55 - a) = 20 x 55 = 1100 100a + 550 - 10a = 1100 90a = 550 a = 55/9 = 61/9 so 55 - a = 55 - 61/9 = 488/9. The mix is 61/9 gallons (6.111) 100% antifreeze and 488/9 gallons (48.889) 10% antifreeze.

Is 100 percent alcohol odorless and tasteless?


How many ounces of 15 percent percent alcohol must be mixed with 23 percent alcohol solution to make 100 ounces?

That all depends on what you want the final concentration of alcohol to be.

How can 100 percent antifreeze harm your car?

Putting 100% "straight" antifreeze in your car's radiator will expose the cooling system to freezing at a much higher temperature than would the appropriate and recommended mix of roughly 50/50 antifreeze and water. Antifreeze works best WITH water.

Can you use 100 percent antifreeze in your car?

No , antifreeze should be mixed with preferably distilled water at a 50 / 50 mix usually . If you live in a colder climate up to 60 % antifreeze is O.K.

What percent alcohol is Vladimir vodka?

They sell an 80 proof(40% alcohol) and a 100 proof(50% alcohol).

What does 18 percent alcohol mean?

it means that for every 100 ml of the drink in question 18 ml of that 100 ml will be alcohol

A bottle of 100-proof bourbon is what percent alcohol?

50% alcohol Proof ÷ 2 = % alcohol