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Yes it is. You just like him a lot.

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Q: Is getting a weird feeling in my stomach when I'm not around my crush normal?
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What does it mean if I'm thrity weeks pregnant and having stomach and back aches?

Its normal. Your baby is getting bigger and things are stretching and things are being moved around and getting squished.

Recently I've been getting stomach aches before my period. Is getting stomach aches before you get your period normal?

Yes it is normal, nothing to worry about, have some ginger drink or ginger jam, it helps not pop. also put a water bottle on your belly and lay on the side for around 10 min. Nothing to worry about, I get it some times.

Blacking out and feeling sick to stomach?

That is not good. Unless you know you are sick or something, you should go to a doctor to find out why this is happening, as blacking out and feeling really sick are not very normal.

Normal for a kitten after getting sprayed to have a bulging stomach?

It's just fluid - nothing to worry about.

Is it normal for the stomach to get big after exercise?

No it is not normal. See your physician right away. You could be getting gas, air or fluid buildup and it is not normal before, during or after exercise.

Is it normal when the baby is always kicking around the 33-34 week?

Yes. Feeling kicks is a completely normal thing and a sign that your baby is healthy and active. Feeling no movement is a cause for concern.

What does stomach pain feel like?

hunger sharp stabbing but ive eaten and just feeling sick could it b the anti biotics im on ??

Is getting your period scary?

No, it is fine, don't worry about it is normal and the worst bit is stomach aches but you can take pain killers for that.

Is it normal to have a cold stomach during pregnancy?

it normal to have a cold stomach during pregnancy

An Overview of the Stomach Banding Surgery ?

Stomach banding is a type of surgery focused mainly on weight loss for individuals who have been deemed obese. The surgery consists of a surgeon placing a band securely around the upper region of the stomach. This band is tightened and forms a small pouch at the top of the stomach. What the band does is it limits the amount of food the stomach can hold at one time and promotes the sense of feeling full after smaller meals are eaten. The band can be adjusted at any time to allow for a gradual return to a normal sized stomach.

Is it normal for it to feel like theres knotts in stomach when on menstrual period?

It's different for everyone, and having aches in your stomach or feeling strongly emotional, these are all normal. What I do is just assume it's okay until my period actually comes. if it looks like something is wrong in there then something unusual happened.