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Of course its painful you idiot! What a stupid question to ask!

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Q: Is getting shot in the heart painful?
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Is it painful to die on sleep?

If your getting physically killed, as in stabbed or shot, it would probably be painful. If your having a heart attack I am sure it is painless.

Can you survive getting shot in the heart if you are muscular?

No, and for godsakes don't try it.

Do you have to get a shot if you're getting braces?

Not normally. The braces are pretty straight forward and it may be uncomfortable, but it isn't painful.

What is the most painful way to die in halo?

getting your own rocket shot fired back at you buy a gravity hammer

What is the worst pain in the world?

I'm guessing getting shot in the chest, giving birth, or some disease. There are lots of painful things...

What do you do when you keep getting heart aches at night and you can't get to sleep they are that painful?

You need to have an investigation into what these 'heartaches' actually are and what is causing them.

Do you get a shot with an mri?

It depends wheter you need contrast dye or not. If you need contrast dye for a scan then yes, you will need an IV placed which feels like getting a shot, if not less painful.

What is a simile for flu shot?

the flu shot was as painful as a bee sting.

Selena was shot in heart or?

She did not get shot in her heart she got shot in her chest.

What is it like to die in your sleep?

none of us will know unless it happens to us

How did frankenstien die?

he got shot in the head and heart he got shot in the head and heart he got shot in the head and heart

How painful is a gun shot?

Up to and including death.