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It is safe on CRT monitors. It has the potential to damage LCD screens, so it should not be used on them.

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Q: Is glass cleaner safe to use on computer screens?
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Is glass cleaner safe to use on the computer screen?


What is a safe fireplace screen to still see the fire?

Any king of durable glass screens are the best. People don't think about them and they're hardly discussed. It is both beautiful and safe.

is a glasstop computer desk safe?

Yes, they are made with reinforced glass. If you take care of the desk and the glass, it should last a long time.

Are all glass cleaners safe on eye glasses?

No. Window glass cleaners usually contain a small amount of pumice. If your eye glasses are made out of any material other than glass, window cleaner will scratch them. It is safe to use a mild hand or dish soap and warm water. You can also buy the eyeglass cleaner from any optical shop. If you want to make your own eyeglass cleaner use half rubbing alcohol half water and a couple drops of mild dish soap.

Is libbey glass oven safe?

Yes, most Libbey glass is oven safe. The glass is only oven safe to 450 degrees. The glass is also dishwasher safe.

Are glass kitchen canister sets harder to clean than stainless steel kitchen canister sets?

There shouldn't be anything more difficult about cleaning glass canisters. In fact, it's likely to be easier, as glass is difficult to scratch, and glass is nonreactive, so most cleaners will be safe for it. Just remember to clean it with dishwashing liquid or another cleaner that is safe for items that hold food.

Is it safe, recycling electronics?

Yes, recycling electronics is generally a safe thing to do. Some electronics such as old computer screens however still pack a charge inside them and unless the charge has been removed, the electricity can be deadly.

Does ecstasy show up on drug screens?

No, you're safe.

How do you rewind your computer to clean it?

What you do is you go to Start, then you search System Restore. Then you click on it and then pick an earlier date of when your computer was working, clicknon it and then it will restorw your computer. This is a safe thing to do. Then to clean it, you CAN USE Microsoft Security Essentials. Best computer cleaner ever!

Are glass computer desk safe to use at home?

Well it depends on the environment if you have lots of kids you might want to reconsider getting a glass computer desk but if you live in an environment where it most likely won't get broken it should be pretty safe. If you want to know more information click this link

Is it safe to use Pine-Sol cleaner on my hardwood floors?

Pine-Sol cleaner is safe to use on any sealed surface.

Is it safe to clean the outside of a fish tank with glass cleaner?

not very. if a a little gets into the tank by your hands then it can kill the fish. if u are going to use it I would suggest slightly diluting it. Trust me it cant seep through the glass. If glass was that weak then air would break the stuff.