


Computer Monitors

Computer monitors are television-like devices used to display graphical information from a computer. They have been the primary form of displaying output to the computer user for decades. Questions about computer monitors and monitor display technologies belong here.

2,938 Questions

Purchased a new samsung syncmaster 920n tft monitor but after installing right half of the display is fine and the other half ie left half is black ie doesn't display or sometimes vertical lines?

Assuming that this problem only occurs on this monitor, I'm afraid it's simply broken. I'd take it back to the shop and get it exchanged; without an in-depth knowledge of how monitors work and a lot of spare time, there's likely to be little you can do to fix it, and since you're entitled to a working product, it would be a better idea the swap it anyway.

How do you slow down your frames per second on your monitor?

Depends on the operating system but in Windows you go into your display settings and select the monitor. i.e. WIndows 10: Right click on your main screen and select display settings.

What are the components of palmtop computer?

Well, hello there! A palmtop computer usually consists of a small screen, a keyboard or stylus for input, a processor to handle tasks, memory for storing information, and a battery to keep it running. It's like a little magical canvas where you can create wonderful digital landscapes and keep your ideas safe and sound. Just remember to take care of it, give it some love, and it will always be there for you.

What is the function of a monitor?

The functions of a computer monitor is to display the output result and to select options of the computer. The monitor or screen is a visual display unit, often called simply a monitor or display, is a piece of electrical equipment which displays images generated from the video output of devices such as computers, without producing permanent record.

The function of a computer monitor is to show the display what work you are performing on PC through any input device.Monitor is an output device.

A monitor can be a display device used with a computer. Traditionally, the word monitor describes a device based on a cathode ray tube (CRT), in contrast to display, which generally describes more modern "flat" display devices such as LED screens.

A monitor can also mean a software tool designed to supervise something. FOr example, a process monitor might watch how different processes running on a computer use the CPU, another monitor might watch how other resources, such as memory or hard disk space, are being used.

Outside the computing world, monitor is also used in supervisory roles, such as the government's financial monitor overlooking the banking industry, etc.

Control of the river by virtue of it's armor & firepower. The last US Navy monitors were used in Vietnam; and mounted a 40mm or 105mm cannon in a single revolving steel turret.
Tao kmo linte ka To let you know what you are doing with the computer and make it easyer to control it.

What are the differences between monitor and printer?

A monitor is the display for a computer system and includes the display device, circuitry, and enclosure. Most monitors today have an LCD (liquid crystal display) screen. A printer can be connected via USB cable or wirelessly to a computer in order to produce paper copies of what is displayed on your computer monitor. Printers are completely optional computer accessories, while monitors are more essential so you can see what's on your computer.

What sign did a bootmaker display outside their shop?

Oh, what a delightful question! A bootmaker would likely display a sign shaped like a boot outside their shop. It would probably have beautiful colors and intricate designs to catch the eye of anyone passing by. Just imagine the joy it would bring to see such a lovely sign welcoming you to their shop!

What is the similarities between an LCD and a CRT monitor?

Both LCD and CRT monitors are display devices used to showcase visual information on a screen. However, the main similarity between them is that they both serve the purpose of displaying images and videos to the user. Additionally, both types of monitors require a power source to operate and have settings for adjusting brightness and contrast.

What is the function of the projector?

is to show a movie or anything bigger and doesn't affect youreye

What is the difference between implementation and evaluation?

Evaluation is basically testing the thing that if its working according to what we have designed for..

Implementation means to utilise the thing you designed in the realistic manner..

Will computer consume more energy?

Yes, running a computer will consume more energy than when it is turned off or in sleep mode. The amount of energy consumption will vary based on the computer's usage, specifications, and power settings. Properly shutting down or putting a computer in sleep mode when it's not in use can help save energy.

What two major constituents form the alloy duralumin?

Duralumin is an aluminum alloy that consists primarily of aluminum and copper, along with smaller amounts of magnesium and manganese. This combination of elements provides duralumin with strength, lightness, and good corrosion resistance, making it a popular choice for aerospace applications.

What is the largest river or drainage basin in the world?

The largest river in the world by volume of water discharge is the Amazon River in South America. The largest drainage basin in the world is also the Amazon River Basin, covering an area of about 7 million square kilometers.