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No, goat milk is not bad at all for people with gout. Actually, it is recommended that people having a gout attack drink goats milk as a natural remedy.

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Q: Is goat milk bad for people with gout?
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Is GOAT MILK good or bad for GOUT?

Yes goats meat is high in purines and should be avoided if at all possible.

Why goat milk have bad smell?

That question is your opinion. In real life, people hated goats milk, but when blind folded and asked to choose between cows milk and goats milk, they chose goats milk as the better choice.

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when they milk the goats the goats udders can be infected, and that means bad milk - which then gets made into bad cheese.

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Goat Milk Ghee as a Healthy Alternative?

Goat milk ghee is a healthy alternative to traditional butter or cow's milk ghee. It is made by simmering the butter made from goat milk until the milk solids separate from the butterfat, which is then strained and clarified. Goat milk ghee is rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which can boost metabolism and promote weight loss. It also contains vitamins A, D, E, and K, and is a good source of healthy fats that may lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation in the body. Additionally, goat milk ghee is lactose-free and may be easier to digest for those with lactose intolerance.

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