

Is gold a better conductor than steel?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Is gold a better conductor than steel?
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Is silver a better conductor than gold?

Yes,Silver is a better conductor than gold

Is aluminium better than steel to conduct electricity?

no, steel is not better conductor than aluminum due to structural differences between them.

Is gold a better conductor than germanium?

Yes. Pure gold is a much better conductor than pure germanium is.

Is gold a conductor or non conductor?

gold is not the best conductor of electricity , silver is actually a better conductor than gold.

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Copper is a better conductor of heat than steel.

Is gold or copper the first best conductor of electricity?

Copper is a better conductor of electricity than gold.

How do you use conductor in an sentence?

My uncle is a conductor for the rail system. Gold is a better conductor than silver.

Is steel better conductor than human body?

Yes, steel has a much lower resistance than the human body therefore it will conduct better.

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Gold is a better conductor of electricity than copper.

Is gold a conducter or insulater?

Gold is a conductor. Most of the more expensive audio cables have gold plated tips because gold is a better conductor than copper.

Does iron conduct electricity better than better than steel?

Iron conducts electricity better than steel. Steel is considered a very poor conductor compared to most metals since it has a very low electron mobility.

Which is a better conductor wood or polystyrene?

Polystyrene is a better insulator. It is often used as insulation on houses.