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"Granite is formed by the slow cooling & crystallization of magma at some depth in the earth's crust, as indicated by its characteristic phaneritic & phaneritic-porphyritic texture."

-The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Rocks & Minerals

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Q: Is granite formed from rapidly cooling magma?
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Related questions

Does granite form from magma?

Yes, granite is formed from cooling magma.

Does granite form magma?

Yes, granite is formed from cooling magma.

Is basalt formed from slow or rapidly cooling magma?

Basalt is formed from relatively rapid cooling magma.

Is granite formed from lava cooling or magma cooling?

Not from the magma, no. Cooled and solidified magma is classified as igneous. However, metamorphic rocks can be formed as the heat and hot fluids of intruding magma affect the properties and possibly the chemistry of the existing "country rock" into which it comes in contact. This process is called contact metamorphism.

How are granite rocks made?

Granite is formed by the cooling and consolidation of felsic magma below the surface of the Earth.

What are two igneous rocks formed from slow cooling magma?

Granite and Gabbro.

Formed from slow cooling magma speckled with large minerals grains?


True or false granite is a metamorphic rock?

It is false. Granite is a igneous rock that was formed from magma cooling and hardening.

Is granite formed from organisms?

No. Granite is an intrusive igneous rock, formed from the cooling, solidification, and crystalization of magma below the earth's crust/surface.

Which process formed the granite that is mined in many areas of the US?

The cooling and solidification of magma.

What group of rocks does granite belong to?

Granite is classified as an intrusive igneous rock.

What type of rock is made from magma cooling?

If a magma of higher temperature cools down, certain minerals solidify first. Eventually, those minerals that remain liquid at the lowest temperatures solidify the latest. The rock that is then formed is Granite (if it's intrusive), or Rhyolite (if it's extrusive)