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Yes, Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease.

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Q: Is graves dusease a autoimmune disorder?
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Related questions

Which is a autoimmune disorder caused by hyperthyroidism is characterized by goiter or exophthalmos?

While many things can cause a goiter, a goiter and exophthalmos are symptoms of the autoimmune disease, Graves' disease.

Does an autoimmune disorder burn itself out?

No, an autoimmune disorder will not *burn itself out*.

What is a autoimmune disorder caused by hyperthyroidism?

Grave's Disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis are two that I know of. Grave's tends to have a steady stream of hyperthyroid symptoms while in Hashimoto's tyroiditis it might start out hyperthyroid and as the antibodies attack it will eventually dwindle down to hypothyroidism. Somtimes there will be bursts of hyperthyroid behavior as the thryoid gland is destroyed by antibodies in Hashimoto's thryoiditis.

Can celiac disease cause thyroid disturbances?

Celiac's can cause malabsorption which can adversely affect thyroid performance. Additionally, Celiac's is an autoimmune disorder and as such often is present with other autoimmune disorders including Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Graves' Disease.

What type of immune disorder is SLE?

The Immune Disorder SLE is and autoimmune disorder.

An autoimmune thyroid disease that is caused by the thyroid gland being overactive is known as?

Well, Graves Disease is an autoimmune disease that can cause hyperthyroidism Also, Graves can cause Thyroid Eye Disease. So not sure if that has answered your question.

Can blood poisoning cause graves' disease?

No. Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease that causes a overactive thyroid gland.

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Is mumps an autoimmune disorder?

No. It is a viral infection.

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