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Q: Is gravitational force per mass greater on Jupiter?
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Related questions

How does the planets mass affect the strength of gravitational force?

The greater the mass, the greater the gravitational force.

How does your mass change on Jupiter?

Your mass increases on Jupiter because of Jupiter's greater (stronger) gravitational pull.

Gravitational force to distance and mass?

The greater the mass the more gravitational force an object has, the greater distance, say from the ground the greater potential energy, the greater gravitational force. hope that helps :]

How can the mass and distance increase or desrease the gravitational force?

More mass --> more gravitational force Greater distance --> less gravitational force

How does mass effect the gravitational force between two objects?

The larger the mass of either object, the greater the gravitational force.

Why does jupiter have a stronger pull than earth?

Gravitational attraction is a result of the amount of matter there is in an object. The more mass the greater the gravitational attraction. Jupiter has far more mass than the earth hence a greater gravitational attraction.

Why do you way more on Jupiter but your mass is the same?

Because the gravitaional forces on Jupiter are greater than here on Earth, so therefore the force on your body is greater. This increases your weight. Your mass remains the same though. Force(or weight) = mass * acceleration. Acceleration is gravitational constant. On earth it is 9.81 m/s2. Not sure what it is on Jupiter. Also mass depends on body fluid weight.

Will more massive objects attract each other with a greater gravitational force or a smaller gravitational force?

The more massive the objects, the greater the gravitational force between them. The gravitational force is affected by mass and distance. The closer two bodies are, the greater the gravitational force also.

What is the most affected by gravitational force?

Gravitational force is experienced by each and every object in this universe.and the magnitude of this gravitational force is proportional to the mass of the object.Hence objects which possess greater mass experience greater gravitational force.the reason of existence of our solar system is the gravitational force experienced by the planets.

Why would you weigh more on Jupiter?

The gravitaional forces on Jupiter are greater than here on Earth, so the force on your body is greater. This increases your weight. Your mass remains the same though. Force(or weight) = mass * acceleration. Acceleration is gravitational constant. On earth it is 9.81 m/s2. On Jupiter it is 24.79 m/s, or about 2.5 times that of earth..

Why is Jupiter the planet with the greatest gravity?

Jupiter has the greatest gravitational force because it also has the greatest mass.

Is gravitational force due to magma inside earth?

No, the gravitational force of the Earth, or any body in the Universe, is because of the mass of that body...... the amount of matter the body comprises. The greater the mass, the greater the gravitational tug.