

Is gravity dependent on earth

Updated: 9/24/2023
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8y ago

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No. Gravity is dependent on two factors: the mass of the object in question and the distance from its center of mass. So gravity at Earth's surface is dependent on its mass and radius, and Earth is the dominant gravitational body for some distance, but elsewhere, other objects dominate with their own gravity.

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Q: Is gravity dependent on earth
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Would Earth have gravity without the sun?

Yes. Earth's gravity is the result of Earth's own mass, which is not dependent on the sun.

What would happen to your sense of gravity on earth if the sun were to suddenly disappear?

The same thing that happens every night when the sun disappears...nothing! Gravity on Earth is not dependent on the Sun. But life on Earth is, gravity would be the least of Earth's problems if the Sun dissapeared

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No moon, no tides. Ocean water is a physical feature on earth that is dependent on the moon because the moon's gravity pull causes ebb and flood.

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There isn't. The "surface gravity" is dependent on the mass (of the planet, etc.) and the distance of the surface from the center of mass. Pluto has MUCH LESS mass than Earth and the gravity is much less on Pluto.

Explain how earths gravity affects objects that are on or near earth?

All mass attracts all other mass, thats a fact. The force due to gravity between the earth and another object, is dependent on their combined mass (earth and object), and the square of the distance between the centres of gravity.

How does the force due to gravity on Mars compare to the force due to gravity on Earth?

The acceleration of gravity at the surface of Mars is approximately 3.7 m/s2. Earth's acceleration is 9.8 m/s2 on average. The force that gravity would exert on an object is dependent on its mass.

Does the moon have a gravitational force stronger than earth?

No. The Moon's mass is only about 1/81 of the Earth, and gravity is dependent on mass and distance. Lunar surface gravity is about 1/6 that of Earth beause the Moon's surface is closer to the center of mass.

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The gravity of Earth is 2.6 times that of Mars.Mars's gravity is 38% of Earth's gravity.

Does the force of gravity change at various times of the day at the same place?

No. Force of gravity is not time dependent. It is proportional to the product of masses of the earth and the matter in question and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the center of the earth and the center of the matter.

How your weight change if you go higher above the earth?

Your weight is dependent on the force of gravity acting on you. The force of gravity is indirectly proporsionate to the square of the distance between you and the center of earth. Your weight will therefore decrease as you go higher above the earth. Your mass however will stay constant.

How does the moon crontrol gravity on earth?

No. The earth has its own gravity. The lunar gravity causes tides on earth, but does not control earth's gravity.

Is the gravity of earth is because of it rotation?

No - the gravity of Earth is due to its mass.No - the gravity of Earth is due to its mass.No - the gravity of Earth is due to its mass.No - the gravity of Earth is due to its mass.