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Yes, I believe so. As long as the GL's will is strong, they would be able to beat Superman.

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Q: Is green lantern better than Superman?
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Who is better Superman or green lantern?

Superman is better. Superman is stronger, faster, much more experienced in battle than most lanterns seeing as they had a reboot. Superman is weak to magic only, the only lantern possible of doing that would be the Hal Jordan when he was possessed by the spectre and in that case it would be superman vs the spectre, not the same thing.

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Through Green Lantern Continuity both Hal Jordan and John Stewart have been shown defeating Superman. So has Mogo [the planet-sized Green Lantern]. Outside of continuit there was Red Son where a communist Superman defeated a cop of untrained green lanterns, which I don't feel shows the true power of Green Lanterns, not to mention the powerfulness of Superman in that story. However, in the Superman Batman storyline, Superman defeats Kilowog and Hal Jordan at just about the same time, though they were mind controlled and probably not working to their potential of powers. Basically, by continuity, it could go either way, depending on writer fiat. But being biased as I am Green Lantern wins. ************************************************************************ Superman battled Green Lantern Hal Jordan in Action Comics 437. The battle lasted for 3 pages only. Neither of them was holding back. Green Lantern attacked Superman with various power ring tricks but Superman knocked him out in the end. The first two pages of this battle can be viewed in ComicArtFans. Go to the gallery of member "Da Mao" and look for "Critical Moments in The Green Lantern Legend".

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No, Thor is in no way stronger than any Green Lantern. This is because of two things: One- A Green Lantern weilds the most powerful weapon in the universe. Two- All a GL would have to do to defeat Thor is put him in a bubble to seperate him from his precious hammer.

Who are the members of the jla other than the core members?

By the core you mean Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Batman, Flash, and the Martian Manhunter. In addition to those we have: -Green Arrow -Black Canary -Atom -Hawkman -Hawkgirl -Red Tornado -Plastic Man -Captain Marvel And other Green Lanterns....

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Green Lanternhas more Google results.ANSWER:While Green Lantern is well known to comic book fans, Yogi Bear is known by children all the way through to senior citizens. He is much more famous than Green Lantern overall.

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