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Yes it is required to maintain earth stable climate, warm enough to support life.

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Q: Is greenhouse gas needed on earth?
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How do you know whether a gas is greenhouse gas i.e how a greenhouse gas is different from non-greenhouse gas?

A greenhouse gas is a gas (with at least three atoms) that traps heat inside the earth's atmosphere. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide and methane. It is important that some heat is trapped inside our atmosphere - otherwise the earth would freeze. But too much heat has a negative impact on the climate.

How water vapour as a greenhouse gas contributes to the greenhouse effect?

Water vapour is a greenhouse gas that traps heat rising from the surface of the earth. In doing so it contributes to the natural greenhouse effect.

What gas in the Earth atmosphere is classified as Greenhouse Gas?

CO2, H2O, methane.

What greenhouse gases do in the atmosphere?

Greenhouse gases keep the earth warm.Too much greenhouse gas is causing global warming.

Why is it called global?

It is called global warming because of greenhouse effect.and greenhouse effect happens when there is too much greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gas is used for trapping some of the sun's heat for the earth's warmth.And when there are too much Greenhouse gas, all of the sun's heat gets trapped inside the earth, causing the earth's temperature to rise. Greenhouse effect is normally caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels.

Why is global warming called global warming?

It is called global warming because of greenhouse effect.and greenhouse effect happens when there is too much greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gas is used for trapping some of the sun's heat for the earth's warmth.And when there are too much Greenhouse gas, all of the sun's heat gets trapped inside the earth, causing the earth's temperature to rise. Greenhouse effect is normally caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels.

Why does increasing the amount of a greenhouse gas increase the temperature of a planet?

The greenhouse gases reflect to the Earth the infrared radiation.

What if you did not have greenhouse gas?

If there were no greenhouse gases the earth could not support life. Greenhouse gases are naturally occurring and allow heat to be retained within the atmosphere.

The primary mechanism by which CO2 contributes to global warming is by what?

The sun's light and heat (in all the visible frequencies) warms the surface of the earth. The earth then emits heat in the form of lower-frequency infra-red rays which can be trapped by the carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Why is it called global warming?

It is called global warming because of greenhouse effect.and greenhouse effect happens when there is too much greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gas is used for trapping some of the sun's heat for the earth's warmth.And when there are too much Greenhouse gas, all of the sun's heat gets trapped inside the earth, causing the earth's temperature to rise. Greenhouse effect is normally caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels.

What is the primary gas in the atmosphere responsible for the greenhouse effect?

Water Vapor is the gas that is largely responsible for the natural greenhouse effect that has warmed the earth for millions of years.Carbon dioxide is the gas that is largely responsible for the present accelerated greenhouse effect that is causing global warming.

Explain why carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas.?

A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs infrared radiation, traps heat in the atmosphere, and contributes to the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons are examples of greenhouse gases.