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My husband saved his life on the hCG diet. He lost 50 pounds in about 60 days and his blood pressure dropped 30 points to 117/73 and his resting pulse dropped to 62. He looks and feels a hundred times better. The weight has remained off for over 7 months now, even though he often eats fairly huge amounts.

The low calorie portion of this diet is rather short, then you return to eating normally. The low calorie diet provides plenty of protein (200 gm daily) and more fresh fruit and vegetables (more than the daily 5) than most people eat on any given day, dieting or not. You are not supposed to stay on it forever or or even for a very long time. It is usually used for a month or two at a time and one or to rounds are typical.

hCh increases fertility in both men and women. It kick-starts testosterone production in men and is used by body builders to restart their own testosterone production, if they have used steroids to build mass. The amounts of hCG body builders use are huge compared to what is used during a short stint on the hCG diet.

hCG gives your body permission to access abnormal extra fat storage without triggering the usual starvation response of slowed metabolism, crankiness, and intense hunger. After the weight comes off, your body has been reset to recognize this new, lower weight as your weight "setpoint" and it hovers there, even when you eat normally or even have treats. The weight stays off! Eventually, if you gorged endlessly, you could overcome this, but occasional "pig-outs" don't bring the weight on again. The 500 calorie diet is easy with hCG. My husband had plenty of energy and his skin, hair, and energy improved. He is over sixty years old and feels more than a decade younger. The weight loss was super fast and a lot safer than remaining obese or having gastric bypass or gastric banding surgery. From what I've witnessed and the research I've read (Dr. Simeons and other doctors have published research on the diet) hCG is SAFE for MEN.

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