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It's certainly a common situation.

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Q: Is having two cold sores on your bottom lip normal?
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Is it normal to have fever blisters or cold sores and cankers sores after having wisdom teeth removed?

no your wisdom teeth has nothing to do with cold sores or fever blisters. Cold sores and fever blister are a type are herpes and it is from using other people lip stick.

What are some treatments for having cold sores on the lip?

Some treatments for having cold sores on the lip is to stay out of the sun that causes the localized ailment. Cold sores are caused by the accumulation of oils that is irritated by the effect of direct sunlight or salt water after having a swim. The treatment of cold sores should not involve any medications because the avoidance of the causation of the ailment will cause it diminish.

Can you use bactroban for cold sores?

Bactroban is not effective for viral cold sores.

Can you get cold sores by having a low immune system?

If you are infected with the herpes virus, then yes you can.

Do you get cold sores from the wind?

You don't get cold sores from the wind.

Are cold sores contagoues?

Cold sores are very contagious.

Are cold sores airborne?

Cold sores aren't airborne.

Do cold sores automatically mean hsv-1?

Yes, cold sores are caused by HSV1 also known as oral herpes. But they are nothing bad to have and you can get them on the mouth with out having any thing to do with sex.

Does polysporin work on cold sores?

Cold sores are caused by a virus, and polysporin is not active against viruses, so it won't work for cold sores.

Do they have cold sores in South America?

They do have cold sores in South America.

Are cold sores bad?

Cold sores aren't bad but they can be painful.

Can you get cold sores from hsv-2?

You can get cold sores from hsv-2.