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Conservation of energy is that energy can't be made or destroyed but goes from one form to another. In heat exchanges, the temperature of participating bodies might differ, indicating the change in their internal energy. Hence heat exchange support the law of conversation of energy.

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Q: Is heat exchange support the law of conservation of energy?
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Yes. Motors and generators exchange mechanical/electrical energy with heat as the conservation energy component. Heat and friction are the common ways energy is conserved as it is changed from one form of energy to another, e.g chemical to electrical by battery and heat.

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If you are using a fire place instead of a heating system to heat your home, that would be energy conservation. Depending on how you heat your home (oil, gas, electricity, ect.) would be the exact type of conservation that you are using.

What is energy conservation and why should citizens conserve energy?

Energy conservation is that energy cannot be created or destroyed it can be transferred or transformed. We conserve energy no matter what we do. What we are really being told is to conserve usable energy which is energy not in the form of heat. We are told this to avoid the heat death of the universe this is when all the usable energy is lost due to heat.

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rubbing of two wood

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The advantage of adding heat conservation features to a home is that it saves a lot of energy and money. The cost is reduced since the heat is conserved; this means that it lowers the energy bills in the building.

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Conservation of energy.

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Burning wood in a fireplace is an example of what kind of energy conservation?

Chemical potential energy converting to heat energy -apex