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Q: Is heat produced by nuclear fusion causes stars to glow true or false?
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Is fusion a type of chemical reaction?


Is the trapping of heat by a planet's atmosphere is called nuclear fusion true or false?

False. It is called the greenhouse effect.

Is it true orFALSE that stars are powered by nuclear fusion reactions?


Who found atoms to be destructible and changeable?

FALSE ,, because atoms can be destroyed by nuclear fusion

Is it true or false that the process by which energy is produced in the sun is known as nuclear fission?


A nuclear reaction in which the nuclei of atoms join together is called nuclear fission.true or false?

False. Combining nuclei to form a new nucleus is called nuclear fusion. Nuclear fission is the splitting of an atomic nucleus.

If Jupiter were 10 times more massive would it generate nuclear fusion in its core and be a star instead of a planet?


Stars are born when gravity pulls gas and dust together with enough pressure to ignite nuclear fusion true or false?


How does fermentation that causes dough rise?

Carbon dioxide

When two hydrogen nuclei combine to form one helium nucleus nuclear fusion has taken place true or false?

Yes it is true. In fusion reactions, two nuclei (not necessarily be hydrogen) combine to form a larger nucleus.

Is it true or false atomic bombs work by atomic fisson?

yes, both true & false. They can work either by fission or some combination of fission & fusion. Most modern nuclear bombs use both fission & fusion to optimize for mission, size, weight, cost, etc. Total yield can vary from 100% fission to more than 95% fusion.

Does heat make the fusion of two metals possible?

Yes, it is the fusion that occurs in a substance. False