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Yes, it undergoes the clues that indicate that a chemical change has happened.

  • new colour appears
  • heat or light is produced
  • bubbles or gas are formed
  • a solid forms into a liquid
  • change is hard or impossible to reverse

Four out of the five are met. A solid does not turn into a liquid during this process.

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2mo ago

No, heating copper sulfate and water is a physical change, not a chemical change. The copper sulfate will dissolve in the water forming a solution but no new substances are created.

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Q: Is heating copper sulfate and water a chemical change?
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Why is heating copper sulfate a chemical change?

Heating copper sulfate causes a chemical change because it leads to the compound decomposing into different substances, namely copper oxide and sulfur dioxide. This change alters the chemical composition and properties of the original compound, indicating a chemical reaction has occurred.

Is copper sulfate a physical or chemical change when heated?

Heating copper sulfate causes a chemical change. The heat decomposes the copper sulfate, breaking it down into its components like copper oxide and sulfur dioxide.

Does heating copper II sulfate produce a chemical change or physical change?

Heating Copper Sulfate gently drives off the water of crystallization leaving an amorphous white powder. This is purely a physical reaction. Heating this powder strongly will cause a chemical reaction liberating sulfur dioxide and oxygen, leaving black copper(II)oxide: 2CuSO4 >2CuO + 2SO2 + O2

Is heating copper sulfate crystals a chemical change?

Heating copper sulfate crystals is a physical change because it only involves a change in state from solid to liquid or gas, without altering the chemical composition of the substance. Chemical changes involve the rearrangement of atoms to form new substances with different properties.

Is adding water to heated copper sulfate crystals chemical or physical?

Adding water to heated copper sulfate crystals is a chemical change. When water is added to heated copper sulfate crystals, the copper sulfate undergoes a chemical reaction where it dissolves in the water to form a solution. This is a chemical change because the chemical composition of the copper sulfate is altered during the process.

Related questions

Why is heating copper sulfate a chemical change?

Heating copper sulfate causes a chemical change because it leads to the compound decomposing into different substances, namely copper oxide and sulfur dioxide. This change alters the chemical composition and properties of the original compound, indicating a chemical reaction has occurred.

Is copper sulfate a physical or chemical change when heated?

Heating copper sulfate causes a chemical change. The heat decomposes the copper sulfate, breaking it down into its components like copper oxide and sulfur dioxide.

Does heating copper II sulfate produce a chemical change or physical change?

Heating Copper Sulfate gently drives off the water of crystallization leaving an amorphous white powder. This is purely a physical reaction. Heating this powder strongly will cause a chemical reaction liberating sulfur dioxide and oxygen, leaving black copper(II)oxide: 2CuSO4 >2CuO + 2SO2 + O2

Is heating copper sulfate pentahydrate a chemical reaction?

Heating copper sulfate pentahydrate causes a physical change where water is removed, leaving anhydrous copper sulfate behind. This is not a chemical reaction, as the chemical makeup of the substance remains the same before and after heating.

Is heating copper sulfate crystals a chemical change?

Heating copper sulfate crystals is a physical change because it only involves a change in state from solid to liquid or gas, without altering the chemical composition of the substance. Chemical changes involve the rearrangement of atoms to form new substances with different properties.

Is adding water to heated copper sulfate crystals chemical or physical?

Adding water to heated copper sulfate crystals is a chemical change. When water is added to heated copper sulfate crystals, the copper sulfate undergoes a chemical reaction where it dissolves in the water to form a solution. This is a chemical change because the chemical composition of the copper sulfate is altered during the process.

Copper sulfate and sodium carbonate physical or chemical change?

When copper sulfate and sodium carbonate are mixed together, a chemical reaction occurs. This reaction forms copper carbonate, a new substance with different properties than the reactants. Therefore, the mixing of copper sulfate and sodium carbonate is a chemical change.

How can you change blue copper sulfate to white copper sulfate?

To change blue copper sulfate to white copper sulfate, you can heat the blue copper sulfate to drive off the water molecules and get anhydrous white copper sulfate. This process is known as dehydration. Be cautious when heating copper sulfate as it can release toxic fumes.

Is copper sulphate a physical change or chemical?

Copper sulfate dissolving in water is a physical change as no new substance is formed. However, if copper sulfate is heated to decomposition, it would be a chemical change because a new substance is formed.

Is heating copper carbonate a chemical change?

Yes, heating copper carbonate is a chemical change because it undergoes thermal decomposition to form new substances, copper oxide and carbon dioxide. This is a chemical reaction that results in the formation of different compounds with distinct properties.

When copper sulfate mixed with sodium hydroxide is a form of physical change or chemical change?

The reaction between copper sulfate and sodium hydroxide is a chemical change, as new substances are formed with different chemical properties from the original substances. The blue copper sulfate solution reacts with the colorless sodium hydroxide solution to form a blue precipitate of copper hydroxide and sodium sulfate solution.

Is copper sulphate a physical change?

Copper sulfate dissolving in water is a physical change because the chemical composition of copper sulfate remains the same. Physical changes do not alter the chemical structure of a substance.