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Q: Is hematocrit ratio of plasma to formed elements?
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Related questions

What is the medical abbreviation hematocrit mean?

Hematocrit is not an abbreviation. It is the ratio of plasma and the formed elements leukocytes, thrombocytes and erythrocytes.

How does dehydration effect hematocrit?

Hematocrit is the concentration of cells in the blood, measured by the relationship between the cells in the blood (red and white) and the liquid part of the blood called plasma. Normally the less amount of liquid in the body the fewer amounts there will be in the blood itself, therefore the cell/plasma ratio will decrease making the blood more concentrated. That's why the bigger the dehydration, the higher the hematocrit.

What is a substance formed from two or more elements form when chemically combined in a set ratio?

A compound is a chemical combination of two or more elements in a fixed ratio.

Do you have to fast for a hematocrit why or why not?

no. it is merely the ratio of blood volume test.

What contains 2 or more elements chemically combined?

A compound forms whenever 2 or more different elements are chemically bonded.

What is formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements?

A compound is the pure substance formed from the chemical combination of two or more different elements.

What is a substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements in a fixed or definite ratio?

This is is a stoichiometric chemical compound.

What is a normal ratio of PCV to Hb?

12.5g/dl hemoglobin what would the hematocrit be

What is the ratio of albumin and globulin in plasma?

60% : 40%

What are good screen resolutions for plasma screen TVs?

Best screen resolutions continue to be 1080p for plasma screens. This provides the highest color ratio to back ratio available in plasma scrrens known today. As screens get larger 3.2 ratio utilizing 1080p is top rated.

What are composed elements combined in a specific ratio called?

what consists of elements combined in a specific ratio?

Shows the ratio of elements in a compound?

The chemical formula of the compound shows the ratio of the atoms of elements in a compound. This must not be confused with the ratio of their masses.