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Yes, Hemoglobin (Hb) is allosteric - it is also cooperative, which is a related but separate phenomenon. An allosteric protein has binding sites for effectors that can alter binding of another molecule or substrate. These effectors can be positive or negative. Hemoglobin has many negative effectors, which cause it to release the O2 that it is carrying. These include 2,3, Bisphosphoglycerate, Carbon Dioxide, and H+ (low pH).

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Q: Is hemoglobin allosteric
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What does BPG mean in hemoglobin?

BPG in hemoglobin means allosteric effector, that binds to the site that is completely remote from that active site for oxygen. The amount of BPG in red cells determines the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin.

What is characteristic of allosteric effectors?

Allosteric effectors may not resemble the enzyme's substrates.

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Allosteric enzymes have the ability to change their conformational ensemble after binding. This changes their affinity at a different ligand binding site.

What statement is characteristic of allosteric effectors?

Allosteric effectors may not resemble the enzyme's substrates.

What is the allosteric inhibitor?

The inhibitor which binds or attached with the allosteric site of enzyme k/n as A.I ... BY "NAHEED KHATTI "

Why is it easier for the fourth oxygen molecule to bind to hemoglobin?

It is not the fourth one specifically that binds easier, O2 is a positive allosteric effector (activator) of Haemoglobin and the binding of O2 facilitates further binding of O2. I'm not sure why this is though.

What blocks enzyme activity by binding to allosteric site of an enzyme causing the enzyme's active site to change shape?

An allosteric inhibitor stops enzyme activity by binding to an allosteric site and causing the conformation of the enzyme to change.

Why does oxygen leave the hemoglobin when it passes through the resting tissues?

The oxygen is carried by Hemoglobin to the Tissues! What happens is, that there's something called the Allosteric Inhibition! Which means, when the Hemoglobin reaches the tissue, there will be lots of Co2 released in the tissue, during release of energy, the partial pressure of co2 inside the tissue will be high, so that with pressure gradient, it will travel outside the tissue to the artery and then into the hemoglobin where it binds to different sites and when that happens, it allosterically inhibits the Hemoglobin molecule to let go of Oxygen, and the oxygen is bounded as per cooperativity which means when one oxygen is bounded it will be easier for others to get bound to it, and in the same way when co2 attaches itself to the Hemoglobin, the oxygen start to disassociate as the Hemoglobin changes its shape and once one oxygen molecule leaves the hemoglobin it would be harder for the molecule to hold on to the rest of the 3 molecules! So in such way the oxygen leaves the hemoglobin!

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What happens during allosteric inhibition?

Allosteric (noncompetitive) inhibition results from a change in the shape of the active site when an inhibitor binds to an allosteric site. When this occurs the substrate cannot bind to its active site due to the fact that the active site has changed shape and the substrate no longer fits. Allosteric activation results when the binding of an activator molecule to an allosteric site causes a change in the active site that makes it capable of binding substrate.

What is Role of allosteric enzyme in regulation of purine synthesis?

if the purine synthesis is excess then extra product will bind to the allosteric site then feed back inhibition occurs