

Is hexane and chloroform immiscible

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Is hexane and chloroform immiscible
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Are water and hexane miscible or immiscible?

Hexane and water are not miscible as the water is a polar solvent and hexane is a non-polar solvent, hence it is immiscible. There is a proverb that like dissolves like.

Why are ethanol and hexane miscible?

Methanol is immiscible in hexane because methanol is a polar compound due to the -OH group. Hexane is nonpolar because there are only carbons and hydrogen atoms. Polar substances cannot dissolve/mix with nonpolar substances. Think "Like dissolves like".

What is the equation of hexane react with chloroform?

They are not reacting. but they are mixing together.

Which has greater volume 10g chloroform or 10g hexane?

Need more information too answer. Chloroform has greater molar mass.

Is hexane or chloroform more polar?

chloroform is more polar than hexane. Based from the solvent polarity chart, alkyl halides (such as CHCl3) are relatively more polar than alkanes (such as hexane). Moreso, alkanes tend to be the least polar among the organic and inorganic compounds due to their hydrocarbon structure.

What is the pka of cyclohexane?

pKa is measured for acid in aqueous solution while hexane is an organic liquid immiscible with water so pKa value is meaning less for hexane.

Why chloroform is immiscible with water?

Chloroform (CHCl3), although it is polar, cannot form hydrogen bonds with water and thus the interactions between chloroform and water are too weak to be miscible. In addition, chloroform is significantly heavier than water and will form a bottom layer if mixed.

Why is chloroform at the bottom during extraction process with benzoic acid and sodium chloride mixture in water?

Because it is immiscible and has a greater density.

Which has the greater volume, 10 g of chloroform or 10 g of hexane What is the volume of each?


Why can you use a water-ethanol mixture but not a water-hexane mixture as a recrystallizing solvent?

phase separation. the two solvents must have similar polarities and b.p.'s - no crystals would form...and if for some reason they did, they would be impure

Name five organic solvents available to the organic chemist for use in the purification of organic solvents?

ethyl alcohol,ethyl acetate,diethyl ether,chloroform and hexane.

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