

Is high blood pressure hereditary

Updated: 5/17/2024
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8y ago

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Yes. it can be a major factor.

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Q: Is high blood pressure hereditary
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If high blood pressure is hereditary, what can I do to lower my risk without using medication?

High blood pressure is hereditary, but staying mentally, physically, and socially healthy can keep the symptoms from coming at their worst and keep it on the down low.

Can high blood pressure be hereditary?

Yes, high blood pressure is inherited, but this does not automatically mean that you will develop it yourself if most of your family members have it.

What medical condition does a patient suffering from hypertension have?

high blood pressure high blood pressure high blood pressure high blood pressure There can be so many reasons why a person develops High Blood Pressure. Hereditary, diet, stress, increased fluids in the circulatory system because if your diet contains a lot of salt the fluids are going to stay with the salt. There is a lot to Hypertension please discuss a plan with your Doctor because sometimes it can take months to find the proper control and hypertension does damage the heart.

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no i don't think so. i have it and i have tried to learn a lot about it and while high blood pressure may be something you have to deal with along side the HHT i am pretty sure it is not an actual symptom of the disease

What can increase your blood pressure?

salt, stress, lack of sleeping and hereditary

What is the other name for hypertension?

The common name for hypertension is high blood pressure. To be diagnosed with high blood pressure, a person typically has three or more readings of 140/90 or higher.

What is the difference between high blood pressure and hypertension BTW high blood pressure?

High Blood Pressure and Hypertension are the same thing

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can high blood pressure cause visual hallucinations

Can constipation cause high blood pressure?

It doesn't cause high blood pressure. However, it can increase your blood pressure.

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mold can cause high blood pressure

How can you tell you have preclamsia?

If you have this disorder you will have high blood pressure. If you are pregnant with high blood pressure this can be dangerous. Your doctor will help you lower your blood pressure.

Is it bad to have a high blood pressure when you are 12 and weigh 95 pounds?

It is bad to have high blood pressure at any age, at any weight. High blood pressure in childhood leads to worse cases of high blood pressure in adulthood also.