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"His mind screamed" is an example of personification because it gives human-like qualities (screaming) to a non-human entity (mind).

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Q: Is his mind screamed an example of metaphor or personification?
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Is Bear in mind That death is a drum a simile metaphor hyperbole or personification?

It is a metaphor because it's comparing bear and death without using "like" or "as".

What types of figurative language does Rudyard kipling use in the book captains courageous to make vivid descriptions (such as simile metaphor or personification)?

In "Captains Courageous," Rudyard Kipling uses a variety of figurative language to create vivid descriptions, including similes, metaphors, and personification. For example, he compares the stormy sea to a beast in one metaphor and describes the waves as "snarling" in personification, bringing the ocean to life in the reader's mind. These literary devices help to paint a detailed and engaging picture of the setting and characters in the novel.

Are the following a metaphor or personification or is it some other form of figurative language 1 I can't seem to tame my mind 2 The night hides your truth?

The first sentence is a metaphor because it compares the mind to what seems to be a wild animal. When a comparison is made to two distinctly different things without using the words "like" or "as", it's a metaphor. For example, "Life is a journey." Because the literal definition of life is not actually "journey", it's a metaphor. The second sentence is an example of personification because it gives human-like attributes to something non-living. The most common example of this is with cartoons. Characters like Yogi Bear, for example are able to talk, dress themselves, and reason like humans. In the example you provided, the night is given the ability to hide something. Because the night does not actually have this ability, the author has chosen to personify it in order to make the language of the piece more descriptive and poetic.

Show you an example of metaphor?

A metaphor iss to compare two things without using the words "like" or "as". For example: That lineman is a beast! His mind was a supercomputer. The music was a captivating spell.

What poetic device would sharp mind be?

I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but a sharp mind is merely an adjective because it can't be a metaphor or simile, neither is it a hyperbole or oxymoron. Sharp is an adjective describing the noun, mind.

What are the personification in poem where mind without fear?

In the poem "Where the Mind is Without Fear" by Rabindranath Tagore, personification is used to give human qualities to abstract concepts like knowledge, reason, and truth. For example, the lines "Where the mind is led forward by thee / into ever-widening thought and action" personify the mind as being guided and led, emphasizing the idea of progress and growth in thinking.

What is an example of a metaphor in a sentence describing your life?

the claws of a jackel thrust deep inside my mind. a sickly sight for my blind eyes.

What myths feature the greek god pothos?

None come to mind. You have to understand that many of the "gods" were personifications of states of mind or emotions, and didn't have myths connected to them. Pothos, for example, was the personification of "longing" or "yearning".

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Who said He who masters the metaphor masters the mind?


Which is a metaphor?

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What is the metaphor in Jill's mind is a rainbow of ideas?

The metaphor in "Jill's mind is a rainbow of ideas" suggests that Jill's mind is colorful, diverse, and filled with a variety of creative and innovative thoughts. Just like a rainbow is made up of a spectrum of colors, Jill's mind is depicted as having a wide range of imaginative ideas.