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No, homicide is considered a crime.

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Q: Is homicide considered as a disease?
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What type of assult is murder?

Murder is not considered an assault crime. It is considered it's own category of crime "homicide".

Is a bodily fluid conisiderd a deadly weapon?

Yes actually it can be considered one if you purposely use your contaminated or disease filled fluids such as blood to infect someone else. Purposely inflicting someone with HIV and Aids for instance is considered a felony and is punishable up to life in prison as homicide.

Is bipolar considered a medical disease?

It is considered a disorder, versus being a disease. But it is often referred to as a disease.

Is foodborne illness is a disease?

Yes, it is considered to be a disease. Anything that is out of balance in the body is considered a disease, or pathological condition.

What disease is Heart disease lung disease and diabetes considered?

Heart disease, lung disease and diabetes can all be considered organ diseases. Lung disease is a pulmonary disease, while heart disease is a cardiovascular disease. They are different.

Is second degree manslaughter considered a crime?

Yes. Manslaughter is a homicide crime, like murder.

When is something considered epidemic?

If someone has a infectious disease, and it spreads quickly, then that disease is considered epidemic.

Is the killing of Osama bin Laden considered a murder?

No, under US law, the shooting and death of Osama Bin Laden is not considered a murder, rather a homicide. A homicide being the lawful killing of a person/s, whether in self-defense or other reasons.

Why is a disease like osteoarthritis not considered an infectious disease?

Osteoporosis is not considered an infectious disease because someone cannot catch it from a sufferer of osteoporosis.

Is bisexuality considered a mental disease?

Love in general should be considered a mental disease, no matter you love.

What are the ten leading causes of child mortality rate in the Philippines as of 2007?

Poverty Hunger Homicide Suicide Slavery Disease Accidents

Have any US presidents ever committed homicide?

Not in a strictly legal sense. Many years prior to his election, Andrew Jackson shot and killed a man in a duel, but that was not considered homicide or murder at that time and place.