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If someone has a infectious disease, and it spreads quickly, then that disease is considered epidemic.

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Q: When is something considered epidemic?
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Is poverty an epidemic?

Well, epidemics usually refer to diseases, but poverty could be considered an epidemic, yes.

Is epidemic a dises?

When you hear the word 'Epidemic' usually it's referring to a disease, but an epidemic isn't always a disease. Poverty, for example, could be considered an epidemic, and it is not a disease, unlike the Spanish Flu or Smallpox.

What does epidemic proportions mean?

Epidemic proportions mean that something has become widespread and uncontrollable. This term is often used to denote something negative affecting a society.

How many people have to die before a disease is considered an epidemic?

None. An epidemic isn't considered on the amount of casualties, but in the ability of the disease to spread, and its ability to infect its host. While sadly, some diseases have to claim a few lives before it is recognized as an epidemic or pandemic, the mortality rate isn't the cause of it being labeled as such. For instance, Lice infestation could be considered an epidemic if it goes unchecked. However, no one that I have ever heard of has died from the infestation, but it can potentially become an epidemic.

Why are STD's in the US considered a hidden epidemic?

STD's are considered a hidden epidemic due to their taboo nature. Nobody talks about them because they are so private. Furthermore, many people with them don't even know they have them.

What is something you can catch but can't throw?

virus, epidemic, cold, the flu

Is jelly belly a type of weed?

No, its considered an epidemic substance that is highly addictive and hyperactive.

What diseases was considered an epidemic during world war1?

The Spanish Flu, also known as the Influenza.

What is the difference between epidemic and endemic in term of community?

An epidemic is a sudden outbreak of a disease (or metaphorically, something that is being compared to a disease, such as an epidemic of crime). A disease can also be described as endemic, which means that there is some incidence of that disease which is always present and doesn't go away.

Is cancer pandemic or epidemic?


Has You Tube Video autism epidemic out of control alerted media to finally do something about misinformation on autism?

There is no Autism epidemic - it's not a disease or a virus, Autism is a neurological difference and represents Autistic people - referring to Autism as an epidemic is referring to Autistic people as an epidemic, it is dangerous and prejudice. People use the term 'epidemic' to promote fear surrounding Autism in order to push their agenda's or to make money, in the mean time not caring about how this impacts on those of us who are Autistic.

What is the verb and noun for epidemic?

The word 'epidemic' is a noun and an adjective. There is no verb form of the word epidemic.