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As a psychotherapist of some 25 years, I have struggled with this question. Hatred does not appear in the DSM as a mental illness, per se, but I believe it to be a major component of many of them. Paranoid schizophrenia is one possibility that comes to mind, as well as the more toxic forms of the Antisocial or Narcissitic Personality Disorders. Anyone can experience hatred from time to time, of course, without necessarily courting mental or emotional illness... but those who HOLD ON to hatred over long periods, nurse it, protect it, feed it--and act it out in violent or otherwise malicious or lethal ways--are definitely courting mental illness of some kind. Hatred that is clung to in this way is always indicative of a WOUND in the hater... and clinging to that hatred is a defense against HEALING that wound. It is a divergence from the path of Light, of living and loving--a back alley that leads to dismal and depressing and toxic destinations, and ultimately, I think, to "evil." [See Scott Peck's wonderful exploration of the subject in PEOPLE OF THE LIE: THE HOPE OF HEALING HUMAN EVIL.] Mental health, by contrast, requires BALANCE... and being "well-balanced" and clinging to hatred are absolutely divergent realities.

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7y ago

No, it's not. Homophobia is a 'state of mind.' The person is fully aware that they have negative/uncomfortable feelings about homosexuals. If it were a mental illness, the 'sufferer' wouldn't know that their feelings are wrong.

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