

Is honesty really the best policy?

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Justus Rau

Lvl 10
4y ago

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When a person is always honest and truthful, that person never has to remember what lies he or she told. Dishonesty and deceit will always catch up with you, often when you least expect it. Being honest and truthful gives you self respect and the respect of others. It gives you peace of mind and a good reputation. These are things that no amount of money can buy. Honesty is not just the best policy, it's also the best way to live your life.

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9y ago
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14y ago

Very rarely is total honesty even a good policy, let alone the best policy. If you always tell the truth though, it will be easier to remember what you've actually said.

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9y ago

Honesty is generally the best policy but sometimes a tiny white lie is the best way to go to avoid hurt feelings.

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Honesty - The Best Policy - 1926 was released on: USA: 8 August 1926

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My teacher said speak the truth and be honest because honesty is the best policy.

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Best is adjective and policy is noun

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"honesty is the best policy" means that it is always best to tell the unvarnished truth.

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Honesty is really the best policy, talk to him and tell him what you are feeling.

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