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Honey is composed mostly of the simple sugar fructose, whereas table sugar (sucrose) consists of a disaccharide of fructose and glucose. Fructose alone requires no digestion. It enters the glycolytic pathway unchanged. Sucrose requires the lysis on the bond joining the two sugars of which it is composed. Saccharase as it is sometimes called or, technically, sucrase is such an efficient enzyme that there is probably no one walking on the face of the earth who has either a deficiency of this enzyme or a defect in its operation. The question asks which of the two is better for your digestion. I don't know that either honey or table sugar is helpful to the digestion and if one or both are helpful to the digestion, neither do I know by what mechanism the one or the other assists digestion. One thing that is important, however is that both are hypotonic to the medium in which they arrive into the body so that for both an adequate amount of water should be included whenever these are consumed to promote rapid digestion and assimilation.

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Q: Is honey better for your digestion than sugar?
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Can honey be added in avocado juice instead of sugar?

No reason why not. It will disperse better than granulated sugar too.

Is using honey better than sugar?

Both sweeteners contain glucose and fructose. However, for sugar, in the process of manufacturing, the organic acids, protein, nitrogen elements, enzymes and vitamins in the sugar cane are destroyed . So honey is healthier.

Is honey Sweeter than honey?

Of course! But honey and sugar are both sweet.

How many grams of sugar in honey?

Given a generic brand of pure clover honey, there are 16 grams of sugar per tablespoon or 5.3 grams in a teaspoon. This number may vary with different types or brands of honey. According to other sources, there are 4.2 grams of sugar in a teaspoon of white granulated sugar. Although there is slightly more sugar in a teaspoon of honey than there is in a teaspoon of white granulated sugar, some may argue that honey is a better alternative because it is more natural and has more health benefits.

Can honey make you diabetic?

Sugar is sugar. Honey is no better or worse than any other sugar. It may, because of the flavor, entice a person to eat more of it than some other form of sugar. A diabetic must follow the medical advice that the doctor provides and monitor blood sugar concentration as required.

How much honey is in honey nut cheerios?

There is more sugar in Honey Nut Cheerios than honey. Even so, they are a reasonably healthy choice. An even better choice is a plain cereal which you can add honey instead of sugar. Honey is especially nice on hot cereal. Note that even plain cereals have plenty of sugar in them. Learn to read the ingredient list on all food products. Ingredient lists are written in order of the amount of the ingredient, from the most to the least.

Why are people using honey today than in previous years?

it is cheaper than sugar.

Is honey more nutritious than white granulated sugar?


Why honey is good for health?

It's not any healthier than sugar.

Is honey a healthier alternative to sugar than high fructose corn syrup?

Yes, honey is a healthier alternative.

Why honey is added over suger as a sweetner?

Honey has a lower GI value than sugar, meaning that it doesn't raise blood sugar levels as quickly. It's also sweeter than sugar, so you may need less of it, but it does have slightly more calories per teaspoon, so I always keep a close eye on portion sizes.

Why are more people using honey today than in previous years?

it is cheaper than sugar.