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No, I wouldn't recommend eating it. Plus it is naturally from bees so if it is out of dat, please don't eat it.

Honey is entirely sugar, which means that it is a preserve. Sugar does not "go off" or expire, so honey is safe to eat even when it is out of date. Likewise, golden syrup and treacle. The fact that honey comes from bees does not have any effect upon it's keeping qualities; butter is from cows but it still keeps for months. (In a similar way, foods which are entirely fat do not expire. Bacteria do not like growing in environments which have very little water content, so do not grow in foods which are entirely sugar or entirely fat. Hence why oil doesn't expire).

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Q: Is honey safe to eat if it's out of date?
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Is it safe to heat honey that is out of date?

Yes. It is safe to heat and eat honey that shows an expired date on the commercial packaging.

Is it safe to eat unopened jar of raw honey that is 7 months past expiration date date?

If if it 100% natural honey, then it is safe to use. !00 % natural honey has no expiry date. It can go sugary, but warming in hot water or in microwave should bring it back right. Honey has its own antibacterial ingredients that prevent it from ever spoiling

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Infants under one year old should not eat honey.

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Dogs can consume honey in small doses and still be fine.

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Is honey safe to eat?

no its poisonous. it will kill you within 10 hours of touching human flesh.

Is it safe to have honey in your tea when breastfeeding?

Yes.It is only important that your baby does not eat honey before the age of 1. You can eat honey.

Is it safe for pregnant women to eat raw honey?

yes. Infants can't though

Can naturally found honey be eaten?

Yes. It is safe to eat natural honey directly from a hive. Assuming of course, the bees don't object.

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Can you eat honey nut shredded wheat 2 years out of date but sealed?

It may not taste as fresh as within-date shredded wheat, but it will not be harmful to eat it.

Can someone whos pregnant eat honey?

Yes, honey is safe for pregnant women. However, infants under the age of 1 should not be given honey due to an increased risk of botulism.