

Is hot lava a liquid

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Yes, it is molten rock.

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Q: Is hot lava a liquid
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Is lava dry?

Lava is liquid rock, it is thick liquid and very hot. It is not wet in any way.

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Lava is a hot liquid from the inside of the earth and ash is a lava powder, which is very hot.

Is all lava a hot liquid?

An extremely hot molten substance.

What is the earth magma?

it's lava but in it's liquid form. A common misconception between magma and lava is lava is solid and magma is liquid hot.

Is lava a plasma?

Magma is not plasma since plasma is neither solid ,liquid or gas while magma is always solid when cool and liquid when hot.

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Is lava hot?

YES <><><><> FLOWING lava- still liquid- is VERY hot- over a thousand degrees. As lava cools, it thickens, and becomes hard (rock)

What is a hot liquid rock that is exposed at the surface?

It is called lava.

What is a hot liquid rock spewed by a volcano?

Lava or Magma.

Hot liquid rock that is exposed at the surface?

"Hot liquid rock" exposed at or above the surface is called lava whereas if it is below the surface it is called magma.