

Is hugging illegial

Updated: 4/30/2024
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14y ago

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Okay if you didn't know this seriously how old are you? No way hugging is like against the law NOT to do it! You have to at least 200 times in your life, hugging is like a requirement. You totally can't go through life without hugging someone.

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1mo ago

No, hugging is not illegal in general. However, in certain contexts such as in the workplace or in public spaces where physical contact may not be appropriate, there may be guidelines or rules in place regarding hugging.

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What is the dating law in Idaho for a 20 year old dating a 17 year old?

In Idaho, the age of consent is 18. Therefore, it is illegal for a 20-year-old to date a 17-year-old as the 17-year-old is not considered legally able to consent to a relationship. Engaging in sexual activity with a minor under the age of 18 is considered statutory rape.

What is the legal age difference for dating in North Carolina?

In North Carolina, the legal age of consent is 16, meaning that individuals who are 16 or older can consent to sexual activity. However, if one person is over 16 and the other is under 16, there are specific age gap laws that limit the age difference to four years. This means that a person over the age of 16 can only legally date someone who is no more than four years younger than them.

Is it illegal for a 18 year old male to date a 15 year old female in the state of New Jersey?

In the state of New Jersey, the legal age of consent is 16. Therefore, it would be illegal for an 18-year-old to engage in a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old. Dating without a sexual component may not be illegal per se, but it could still raise concerns about the age difference and potential power dynamics.

Can an 11 year old girl date a 17 year old boy?

/// Hello. So uhm for some introductions first, I'm an 11 year old and crushing on a 17 year old turning 18 soon.. Iknow this is a bit out of topic but i feel that he likes me to, and it depends on his/her personality, but when it comes to dating that because if your gonna date someone nearly to adulthood that's just kinda risky. I heard that if he ever made sexual contract or any stuff like that he will go to jail.. and for you might get pregnant..accidentally. Well base on my experience if your gonna date someone older/younger than you its better that you guys should just be bestfriends or any stuff that wont get you guys in trouble. If he ever made a move on you make sure it should not be in any bottom parts yk but holding hands and hugging is fine. On the other hand what about your parents? will they accept if u guys are dating?, I have strict parents for me they maybe wont accept the guy that I like and want to date lol but anyways crush is crush so as long as I just like him they're ok with it (not dating). Anyways my advice is just don't make any sexual stuff and also beware of the dangers and risks and also make sure he is kind and respectful towards your decesion ///. (it means he is a good guy if he's like that. : ) ). Although for us (11 year olds) were kinda too young to date but if you ever feel really ready to DATE then u must really mean it go for it ig :).(if you are an 11 year old)

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Is hugging physically harmful?

no :)