

Is hydrogen in wood

Updated: 12/9/2022
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13y ago

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yes, a lot of it

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Q: Is hydrogen in wood
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What are the elements that make up the compound wood alcohol?

C2 , h5 , oh

How many hydrogen atoms are in wood alcohol?

166 millon atoms

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Why does burning wood and burning fossil fuels produce the same substance?

The main content is the same. Of the wood is carbon and hydrogen, and that of fossil fuels is hydrogen and carbon. So when wood and fossil fuels are burnt the Carbon combines with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, and the hydrogen combines with oxygen to produce water (H2O). C+O2--> CO2+CO

What is the element is found in sugar wood and plastic?

There are numerous elements that are found in wood. Some of them are nitrogen, phosphorous, carbon and potassium. Hydrogen is also found in wood.

What atoms are in wood?

Wood contains quite a few atoms such as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen which are combined together to make compounds such as celluose.

How many atom of hydrogen is in wood alcohol?

also how many atoms of Oxygen does it have

How many atoms of hydrogen for wood alcohol?

"Wood alcohol" is formally known as methanol, which has a molecular formula of CH3OH. Adding the explicit subscript 3 present for the first occurrence of the H symbol for hydrogen in the formula to the implicit subscript 1 for the second occurrence of the symbol for hydrogen shows that each molecule of methanol contains 4 hydrogen atoms.

Is wood a compound element or mixture?

Wood is a MIXTURE of many compounds, so your answer would be a mixture.

What are the main chemical constituents of wood?

Wood is mainly made up of cellulose (a polysaccharide ("complex glucose") which is a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen).

What elements are in wood alchohol?

"Wood alcohol" is more systematically named methanol, has the molecular formula CH4O, and contains the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.