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Q: Is hydrogenized whey protein bad for prostate?
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Is AMP Whey protein bad for you?

i dont know what that is

How is whey protein supplements bad for you?

They aren't. It clearly shouldn't be your only source of calories, but as a protein source, whey is a very high quality source.

Is bodyfortress whey protein a good protein?

It's not bad, but they use a co-packer... meaning they don't make it themselves.

Does whey have negative consequences?

if whey meaning whey protein no it doesn't but consuming more then what professionals recommends then it could. i usually consume about 16 oz. 8 oz before workout and 8 after. if you take creatine then be sure to drink alot of water because creatine can damage your kidneys if you don't pee it out. to get better information look in some of the muscle magazines they give alot of information about them or just go to your local GNC and ask.

Is whey protein bad for you if you are taking aspirin on a daily basis?

No, whey would benefit you because the aspirin thins your blood and delivers the protein to your body more quickly. However if you are on apsirin you might want to stay away from contact sports and/or fighting because you will bleed and bruise very badly more then the average person

How do you make big brother slop?

Natural oats, proprietary blend of whey protein concentrate, soy protein isolate, wheat protein isolate, milk protein isolate, and a lot of other natural stuff. It is basically really healthy really bad tasting oatmeal.

Is pot bad for prostate?

Negative Ghostrider

Is protein bad for you?

No, your body needs protein.

Can protein shakes be bad to you if you haven't hit puberty?

No, protein shakes cannot be bad for anyone. Protein is not stored in our body. Unwanted protein is excreted.

Should you take whey protein before running and after running?

Never take it before running cause the lactose (whey) in protein is bad for your knees and can ruin your knees if you run with it in your system, plus a heavy substance in your system when running will make you feel sick. Take it afterwards when your body is looking for protein to rebuild the muscles and since usually people dont feel like eating right after cardio workout, protein with water or shake will be easier on your stomach.IMPROVED ANSWER:What?Rest assured, taking whey protein will in no way ever "ruin your knees." Furthermore, there is very little lactose in most whey mixtures, and none at all in a whey isolate mixture.Additionally, whey is not a "heavy substance" that will make you feel sick if you ingest it before running. However, it is true that whey is best eaten after a hard workout to help re-fuel your muscles. Even so, if you want to drink a whey shake before a run, help yourself. Your body will use the portein either way.

Is it good or bad to massage the prostate gland?

i'd say bad, if a doctor is the one stickin his hand in yo ass.

Do energy drinks affect prostate cancer?

No. This is not confirmed, however.