

Is ice example of a native mineral is?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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No. A native mineral is composed of only one element. Ice, the mineral, is composed of two -- hydrogen and oxygen.

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Q: Is ice example of a native mineral is?
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Can minerals be liquids?

No. A mineral must be solid to be a mineral. For example, liquid water is not a mineral. Frozen water, or ice, is a mineral.

Can a mineral be a liquid?

No. A mineral must be solid to be a mineral. For example, liquid water is not a mineral. Frozen water, or ice, is a mineral.

When is water a mineral?

Water as a solid, in the form of ice, is considered a mineral when it is naturally occurring. Ice in snow banks is considered a mineral but ice cubes you make in your freezer are not a mineral.

Is ice an mineral?

Yes ice is a mineral because it has all of the physical traits an object needs to be considered a mineral; however, is not a mineral.

What is the mineral group of Iron?

Iron belongs to the mineral group called "native elements."

When is water minerals?

Water as a solid, in the form of ice, is considered a mineral when it is naturally occurring. Ice in snow banks is considered a mineral but ice cubes you make in your freezer are not a mineral.

Why is ice in a glacier considered to be a mineral but but what forms a glacier is not?

Ice forms a glacier and therefore it is considered a mineral.

Is mineral ice a mineral?

Ice meets the criteria that define a mineral: solid, crystalline structure, definite chemical formula, naturally occuring, and inorganic. Ice is recognized as a mineral by the International Mineralogy Association.

Explain why scientists consider ice to be a mineral?

Scientists consider ice to be a mineral because it is found naturally in nature. Ice has certain properties such as density and chemical composition leading it to be identified as a mineral.

Is ice a form of a rock?

Ice is actually a mineral.