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Unfortunately it is. However is is the worst lettuce you could eat and it would be better to consume more nutritious varieties.

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Q: Is iceberg lettuce available all year?
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Related questions

Does iceberg lettuce grow on trees or in the soil?

All lettuces, including iceberg, grow in the soil.

Does Iceberg Lettuce have more nutrition than other lettuces?

Iceberg lettuce actually doesn't have much nutrition at is mostly water. Greener lettuces, like romane lettuce, are packed with more vitamins and other important nutrients.

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When does the manatee eat?

greens, greens and more greens! they just love iceberg lettuce and all kinds of leafy veggies.

Is iceberg lettuce poisonous for guinea pigs?

Guinea pigs can absolutely eat iceberg lettuce. If you happen to have extra iceberg on hand, go ahead and feed it to your guinea pig. If, however, you are looking for a tasty treat to buy for your guinea pig, romaine lettuce is packed full of vitamins (it has more vitamin C in it- which is a necessary dietary requirement for all guinea pigs).

Can iguana eat spinach?

Yes, but not often. spinach has a lot ofprotein, and iguanas can't have too much protein. but, spinach is much better than iceberg lettuce, which shouldn't be fed to them at all because it's low in nutrients and is addictive.I would recommend feeding your iguana some spinach, other shreddedvegetablesand fruits (that are low in sugar), and green leaf or romane lettuce. DO NOT feed it iceberg lettuce or any kind of meat or dairy.

What can bearded dragons eat daily?

i always put some iceberg lettuce and shredded carrots in a bowl and leave it there all day so he can choice to eat it when he wants

Is lettuce and kobi or cabbage is same?

No. Lettuce is thinner and sometimes crunchier than cabbage. Lettuce is quite tasteless but is normally eaten raw in a salad which it goes well in. Cabbage is very strong and overpowering if eaten raw - your better off cooking it. Personally, i prefer lettuce, i hate cabbage lol

How many cups in head of romaine lettuce?

12 - 24 cup depending on size. I usually fill a large bowl with 1 large head of shredded iceberg lettuce, the bowl holds 1 1/2 gallons. So about 24 cups, more or less, for a large head of iceberg lettuce. I've had at times purchased smaller heads of lettuce that took 2 to fill the bowl.

Can you get scurvy from eating nothing but chicken in a bag and iceberg lettuce?

Absolutely. Its an automatic consequence. It would depend on how long this went on. Scurvy is caused by vitamin deficency and since lettuce and chicken don't have all the required vitamins, it could develop if the diet continued for weeks or months.

What is the meaning of lettuce?

Because it's a vegetable.It also depends on what type of lettuce you are eating. Iceberg lettuce has little nutrition whereas spinach or romaine have much more nutritional value. The rule is the greener the lettuce the more healthy.