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Good Question. Well smoking of any sort is bad for you because one way or another smoke gets into your lungs.

If you smoke with a candle poison rocket fuel and other things wont get into your lungs. Except if you smoke anything like a candle it will cause will cause you to die of lung cancer anyway because of the smoke.

If you smoke with a cigarette it will make you get bad cancers and rotten lungs and you will die anyway.

Either way smoking is a NO NO.

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10y ago

If you do it continuously for about 3 or 4 minutes + , then it could be dangerous, but not near the same as cigarette smoke. Deeply inhaling it would certainly put more carbon dioxide into your system, which isn't good for your lungs, but if you don't do it for minutes on end, but just a sniff or two when you walk by it, then you won't have any serious problems with your body.

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Q: Is inhaling a candle's smoke the same as smoking cigarette?
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Is inhaling a cigarette like smoking it?

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pollution in the air, litter cigarette spuds on the ground. passive smoking ohers inhaling your smoke.

Does exposure to secondhand smokes carries the same long-term health risks as smoking?

Short answer: yes. Long answer, inhaling cigarette smoke is bad, inhaling diluted cigarette smoke is less bad -- but given ten years, not good.

Is passive smoking and direct smoking the same?

No, because passive smoking is inhaling the second hand smoke that Other people smoke and exhale. Direct smoking is when the person inhales the smoke that they themselves smoke. If you have a cigarette in your mouth, that's direct smoke. If you inhale other people's smoke, that's passive smoking.

How to smoke?

You smoke by inhaling from the filter end of a cigarette.

What is direct smoking?

Direct smoking is purposely smoking and inhaling the smoke. Indirect smoking is the person near the smoker inhaling the second hand smoke.

Can a baby get sick when he is in a smokers home?

yes because he/she is inhaling the smoke. yes because he/she is inhaling the smoke. Yes, it will cause lung and other health problems. Breathing in the cigarette/cigar smoke for 30 minutes is the same as smoking one yourself!

If you can't breathe is it smart to light up a cigarette?

no, inhaling smoke, especially cigarette smoke will only make it worse.

Can you get lung cancer if you hold cigarette smoke in your mouth after inhaling?

i guess you can

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A ford that is smoking a cigarette

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Inhaling any smoke is not healthy.

Is it recommended to smoke in unventilated rooms?

No, because you will suffocate by inhaling sa smoke of a cigarette. And it will lead you to lung problem.