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Yes and somewhat, mostly yes because, an interdict had many sacraments and religious services that could not be preformed in king's lands, the king believed that without such sacraments they might be doomed in hell. I just got this answer from another question that was the exact same!

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Q: Is interdict a weapon for pope?
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Who issued an interdict against Elizabeth?

pope pius the fift

What two weapons did a pope have to use against monarch?

The pope could use interdict which would forbidd clergy from performing the sacraments or he could excommunicate the monarch. Excommunication would make null and void and contracts the monarch had.

Which one of the three popes from the Great Schism placed Prague under interdict?

From all the sources I have been able to find, it was neither the pope or either of the antipopes who placed Prague under Interdict. The Bishop placed Prague under Interdict in 1412 due to the presence of John Hus.

Why did King John quarrel with the pope and what affect did this have on England?

King John's quarrel with the pope was about who they wanted to be the archbishop of Canterbury. This had an effect on England because of the quarrel the pope stop any services for 7 years this was called an interdict .

What weapon was outlawed by the Pope?


What is an interdict?

Interdict is defined as a prohibition. If somebody was to interdict something, they would be prohibiting or forbidding it.

What weapons did the popes have that helped them control political leaders?

The pope could use excommunication or interdict as punishments for those political leaders who did not 'toe the line.'

What is a sentence for interdict?

We should interdict kids from watching adult movies.

What is interdict?

Interdict is defined as a prohibition. If somebody was to interdict something, they would be prohibiting or forbidding it.

What is a sentence using interdict?

We're working closely to interdict the flow of weapons to the war zone. The agency uses the Coast Guard to interdict drug flights from Colombia.

What weapon did the pope use to force more loyalty to him than to one's king?

The pope would excommunicate one's king

Which papal weapon suspended all church service within a kingdom or region?

Roman Catholic AnswerYou are asking about an interdict. An interdict is not a weapon, nor is it strictly papal. It is a censure forbidding the faithful the use of certain sacred privileges, such as Christian burial, some of the sacraments, and attendance at liturgical services. It may be imposed as a vindictive penalty for a fixed period because of some grave act against the common good of the Church. In this case religious services are curtailed, although sacraments may be given to the dying, marriages celebrated, and Holy Communion may be administered IF the interdict is general not personal. A general interdict may be inflicted only by the Holy See, Parishes and persons may be interdicted only by the local Ordinary - usually the Ordinary is the Bishop.