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No investments in other business are normally for long term basis. If investments are for long term then long term assets otherwise current assets.

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Q: Is investment considered as current asset?
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Current Assets are assets that are considered to be liquidated easily. Cash is considered a current asset because of that reason, it is cash. Anything that can be turned into cash quickly is considered a current asset. Accounts receivable is also a current asset, while a Note Receivable is considered (non) or more appropriately, a "long-term" asset.

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if investment is for short term period then it is current asset otherwise it is long term assets.

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Current Assets are assets that are considered to be liquidated easily. Cash is considered a current asset because of that reason, it is cash. Anything that can be turned into cash quickly is considered a current asset. Accounts receivable is also a current asset, while a Note Receivable is considered (non) or more appropriately, a "long-term" asset.

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