


Accounts Payable

Sometimes referred to as trade payables, accounts payable is an account sub-ledger that records all the amounts that a company or a person owes to suppliers but has not paid yet.

3,094 Questions

How much does a sofware cost?

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Asked by Wiki User

The cost of software can vary widely depending on its features, functionality, and intended use. It can range from free for open-source software to thousands of dollars for specialized enterprise solutions. Prices are often quoted on a per-user or per-license basis.

What is the number of protons in a atom of an element?

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Asked by Wiki User

The number of protons in an element is equal to the atomic number. (dont mix this up with atomic mass. It is simply the large number that appears usually in the top left hand corner on the periodic table. For example, Lithium has 3 protons. Sulfur has 16 protons and so forth)

What are polyhydroxy aldehydes?

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Asked by Dahemmi

Polyhydroxy aldehydes are a class of organic compounds that contain multiple hydroxyl groups (-OH) and an aldehyde functional group (CHO). They are commonly found in nature, such as in sugars like glucose and fructose. These compounds are important in various biological processes and have applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Where do esthetician earn highest income?

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Asked by Wiki User

Estheticians tend to earn higher incomes in major metropolitan areas such as New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, and San Francisco where there is higher demand and cost of living. Additionally, estheticians who work in luxury spas, salons, or for high-end clients may earn a higher income compared to those working in more casual settings.

What are the methods of preparing syrup?

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Asked by Wiki User

The common methods for preparing syrup include the hot method, where sugar is dissolved in boiling water, and the cold method, where sugar is dissolved in cold water and left to infuse. Flavorings like herbs or spices can be added during the cooking process to infuse the syrup with additional flavors. Storage in airtight containers in the refrigerator can help prolong the shelf life of syrup.

What are some methods used to enhance the solubility of poorly soluble drugs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some methods to enhance the solubility of poorly soluble drugs include the use of solubilizing agents like surfactants, co-solvents, and complexing agents. Other techniques include particle size reduction through methods like micronization or nanosizing, as well as the use of prodrugs. Formulating the drug in lipid-based delivery systems like liposomes or nanoparticles can also improve solubility.

Should Contracts be filed separately from accounts payable files?

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Asked by Wiki User

contracts should be filed separate from accounts payables?

What is a benchmark survey?

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Asked by Wiki User

A benchmark survey is a research method used to evaluate how organizations or individuals perform in comparison to industry standards or best practices. It involves collecting data on specific metrics and analyzing it to measure the performance level or identify areas for improvement. Benchmark surveys can help organizations set goals, track progress, and make informed decisions based on industry benchmarks.

Is cash account real account?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a cash account is a real account in accounting. Real accounts represent tangible assets, and cash is considered a tangible asset because it is a physical form of currency.

What is purchase journal?

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Asked by Wiki User

A purchase journal is a specialized accounting journal used to record all credit purchases of goods or services made by a business. It typically includes information such as the date of the purchase, vendor name, invoice number, and amount owed. The purchase journal helps track the company's liabilities and expenses related to purchasing inventory or other items.

What is the journal entry in purchasing software?

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Asked by Wiki User

The journal entry for purchasing software involves debiting the software asset account to reflect the cost of the software and crediting the cash or accounts payable account depending on the method of payment. This entry recognizes the increase in assets due to the software purchase and the corresponding decrease in cash or increase in liabilities.

When a company uses special journals the general journal is used for selected transactions and events including?

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When a company uses special journals, the general journal is used for selected transactions and events that do not fit into any of the specific categories of the special journals. These could include recording adjusting entries, correcting errors, or any unique transactions that don't have a designated special journal.

Journal entry for outstanding expenses?

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Today, I recorded outstanding expenses in our journal to reflect costs that have been incurred but not yet paid for. This helps us accurately track our financial obligations and ensure they are accounted for in our records. By noting these outstanding expenses, we maintain transparency in our financial reporting and can better manage our cash flow.

What would the journal entry be to accrue for 2007 accounting expenses that won't be received until 2008?

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Asked by Wiki User

Debit an expense account for the amount of the expenses incurred in 2007 to recognize the expense. Credit an accrued liabilities account to reflect the amount owed as of the end of 2007.

What are the uses of a journal in accounting?

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Asked by Wiki User

Accounting journals are used to record financial transactions in chronological order. They serve as a detailed record of all financial transactions, making it easier to track and analyze financial data. Journals help in preparing financial statements, identifying errors, and providing an audit trail for external parties.

How does the binary number system help us in everyday business?

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Asked by Waltvictor

1 and 0 stands in for both of these states. Binary numerals are composed of the numbers 1 and 0. Different data are represented by these numbers. The number system is commonly referred to as binary, or base 2 because numbers are represented by two digits.

What is global payments process?

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Asked by Wiki User

They are companies that deal with all types of global payment processing.

What is format of debit note and credit note?

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Asked by Wiki User

Debit note is money being taken out

Credit note is money being brought in

How long do you need to study to become a accountant?

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Asked by Wiki User

You could get it done in 4 years, but if you want to become a Certified Public Accountant, you have to take a pretty hard test (like the bar exam for accountants) and there is a period of time where you have to learn on the job before you get licensed.

But, you could get a job right out of high school in an Accounts Receivable department, and technically that's accounting.

What classes should be taken in high school to prepare for a degree in accounting?

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To be honest, it really won't matter too much what you take in high school as long as you meet the prerequisites to getting into the college. If Accounting is really what you want to do, some high schools offer an Accounting course. Taking advanced classes for what you want to major in really helps out in college. I would recommend Statistics and as much Math as you can take (AP Calculus probably). It is really up to you though. If you only take the required math to get into college in high school it won't kill you in college. A good example is myself, I am majoring in Microbiology and I'm pre-med, I didn't take Anatomy, Zoology, or AP Biology in high school.

Qualities of a good counselor?

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Asked by Wiki User

Registered with state.

Customers recommend him/her.

Has a few years of experience helping people with the specific issues you want to address.

Is 100% professional a before, during, and after working with you.

Google to find self-help support groups that deal with your issues, attend some meetings, and ask credible support group members for recommended therapists.

God bless you always.

When to use accounting accruals?

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Asked by Wiki User

In accrual based accounting, expenses are recognized in the period in which they are incurred if measurable.

Why do people want to work in accounting field?

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Asked by Wiki User

An accountant can usually find work even in a bad economy.

An accountant can work in almost any industry, from operating their own business to working for any size company. An accountant can work in the private sector or any government sector.

Accountant jobs cover almost every business and industry setting, from keeping books for 'mom and pop' businesses to keeping books for Hollywood movie stars; from the military to scientific or educational institutions. There is no industry or organization that does not need an accountant.

How much money does an architect with an MBA earn?

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Asked by Wiki User

Salary, earning potential, and marketability are not only determined by the type of field you are in and the degree you possess. It depends on your position within that field, the institution you work for, your experience, expertise, personal abilities, critical thinking skills, problem solving abilities, dedication and commitment toward ones work, and more. Thus, salary is not so much dependent on the type of degree as much as it is dependent on the person who holds the degree. Still, if you have a specific occupational title, you can then retrieve the estimated mean annual wage particular to that occupation through the U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Difference between international accounting standard and accounting theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

IFRSs refers to the new numbered series of pronouncements that the IASB is issuing, as distinct from the International Accounting Standards (IASs) series issued by its predecessor. More broadly, IFRSs refers to the entire body of IASB pronouncements, including standards and interpretations approved by the IASB and IASs and SIC interpretations approved by the predecessor International Accounting Standards Committee On the other hand by simple Accounting Standard we mean " Accounting Standard issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India(ICAI)".