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Both times are equally acceptable.

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Q: Is is best to remove an IUD before or after your period?
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Do you have to remove IUD before tied your tubes?

There is no need to remove the IUD before (or after) having your tubes tied. Leaving it in will ensure continuous protection.

I set up an appointment to get a IUD put it in but i just started my period and its two days before my appointment. Can a IUD be put in while on your period or well i have to reschedual?

It's easiest for you and your health care provider to have the IUD inserted during your period.

Can you get an IUD check during your period?

Yes, you can get an IUD check during your period.

Can an IUD be removed if a woman no longer has a period because of the IUD?

you can get the IUD removed when ever you want it pervents you from getting your period

Do you have period when you have IUD?

If you have the copper IUD (Paragard in the US), you will get a period. If you have the Mirena IUD, containing progestin, your period will likely stop after a few months of irregular bleeding.

Does your period start automatically if your on birth control or do you have to stop taking it before your period can start?

It depends on what birth control you're on. You need to take remove the patch and the nuvaring, but if you're on the pill, have an IUD or implanon, or take the shots, your period will regulate itself.

How old do you have to be to remove Mirena?

There is no age before which you can't remove the IUD. Contact your health care provider, who will schedule a removal. If you're asking about parental permission, because you're a minor who wants to remove the IUD so youc an get pregnant, that's a different answer. You don't need parental permission in the US to remove the IUD. If you're talking about how to know you're safely through menopause before removing the IUD, talk with your women's health care provider. GYN professionals have various opinions on that topic.

Is it true that if you have the copper t shaped IUD birth control the time to pull it out is when you are on your period?

No, that's not true; you can have the IUD removed at any time. Studies show that's it's no easier to remove during your period than at any other time.

I have not had a period while on the IUD. Can i still be spotting though?

Yes, you can have spotting without a period while using an IUD.

Is the blood that comes after taking the IUD out considered your period?

There can be a small amount of spotting when the IUD is removed, but that's not a period.

Can the IUD be removed if you don't have your period?

Yes, you can have the IUD removed at any time.

Is it possible that once the IUD is out your period will continue back on track?

If you had the Paragard removed, you can expect your next period at the usual time, as the copper IUD does not change the timing of the menstrual cycle. If you had Mirena removed, your period may be irregular for a month or so before settling into its new pattern.