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No. The fetus is so small at that point sometimes it is hard to detect the heartbeat to hear it.

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Q: Is is uncommon to not hear a babies heart beat at 12 weeks?
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Can you feel a heart beat at 8 weeks?

You will not be able to feel a heart beat, but a heart beat can be detected. Usually at around 5 weeks a heart beat can be heard.

How many week does it take for the embryo to develop all the basic organs to form?

The babies (embryo) heart starts to beat at about 4 weeks.

When does a baby inside the whom have a heart beat?

6 weeks into the pregnancy ( 4 weeks after conception)

What does it mean when the babies heart beat is starteing to slow down and you are 37 weeks pregnant?

A normal heart rate for a baby at 37 weeks gestation is approximately between 120s to 140s. The babies heart rate fluctuates just like an adults during periods of rest and activity. If the babies heart rate goes below the normal range ( 120 ) then that means the doctor would need to evaluate the baby to make sure that everything was ok.

Can you still hear the babies heart beat with an ectopic pregnancy?

No you can not

Is it normal not to hear the babies heart beat at 8 weeks through an ultrasound?

You might can, but don't be alarmed if you don't. You may think that you are 8 weeks and really only be 6 or 7. There is no way to tell when you conceived.

I am 10 weeks pregnant and i have my docs appt on the 11th of march would i be able to hear the baby's heart beat by then?

It really depends on you. If you are a more slender woman that yes, chances are you will be able to hear the baby's heart beat. I heard my second child's heartbeat at 8 weeks, and with my first at 6 weeks, both were my initial appointments with my doctor. But if you dont hear it until 16 weeks, dont worry, it is not uncommon. It does not mean the baby is not doing well.

If i am 5 weeks can i hear my baby's heart beat?


Is it normal not to hear a baby's heart beat at nine weeks?

Yes, by weeks six to seven there is a large bulge where the heart is and a bump for the head because the brain is developing. The heart begins to beat and can be seen beating on an ultrasound scan.

Cant find heart rate at 8 weeks is the baby dead?

By 8 weeks there should be a heart beat, but just make sue you are 8 weeks along.

Why would baby's heart beat be 177 at 38 weeks?

yess my babies heartbeat was 176 at my first ultrasound. It slows down the farther along you get until its ready to beat on its own without your help after you have the baby.

How soon can an ultrasound hear a baby heart beat?

About 3 months, usually respiratory system of the baby develops at 12 weeks of age. ** The fetus's heart starts beating at five weeks gestation. Through an ultrasound you can see the ultrasound at about 6-7 weeks. With a fetal Doppler you can hear the heart beat at about 9 weeks.