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Q: Is it. True that the soil of the middle colonies like new England's was rocky?
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Are the middle colonies home to people of many different religions?


Was the middle colonies home to people of many different religions?

Yes, the middle colonies were known for their religious diversity. Quakers, Catholics, Lutherans, and other religious groups lived together in harmony in colonies such as Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware. This diversity and tolerance for different faiths were key characteristics of the middle colonies.

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What is true about the middle colonies?

the middle colonies were ruled by the British. William Penn was a quaker and quakers don't pick sides and love all. He wanted streets to be bigger and to have parks to feel more relaxed. Woman had more of a role in church. Poor people and even Africans participated in religious events.

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There relationship was harsh and did not like each other at all! Sadly but it is true..

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