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I wouldn't say it is abnormal, rather this is common when males lose their virginity. This is a classic sign of performance anxiety.

You need to relax. The anxiety of first-time sex and hoping you will do it right and she won't hate it....this can play with your head and cause both erectile issues and premature ejaculation.

Once you relax, everything will work fine. If however, you still find yourself getting too anxious, do more foreplay. Another trick that takes the edge off is to masturbate.

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Q: Is it Abnormal to lose erection when losing virginity?
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That depends on how you define losing your virginity. If you define loosing your virginity as performing a sex act, be it gay sex or otherwise, the you can lose your virginity by just having sex. If you believe there needs to be penetration for it to be sex, then you would have to use some sort of dildo or fingers to lose your virginity. Really, it all depends on what constitutes sex to you.

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Virginity is a social construct that can mean different things to different people. For some, it may be defined by heterosexual vaginal sex, while for others, it may be any sexual experience. It is up to the individual to determine when they feel they have lost their virginity.

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It depends on how deep you finger yourself. If you broke your hymen and experience bleeding when you fingered yourself, then your first time might be less painful with the exception of how thick he may be compared to you being very tight.

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The only way to lose your virginity is if you have penetrative inter-coarse with another person.

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Depends on what you mean by "virginity". Some people would say that intimate contact with another person leading to ejaculation would be losing virginity. Others would say actual penetration (oral or anal) would be necessary, and some would argue that both penetration and release of semen would be required. But if you're just talking about personal feelings, you've lost your virginity when you think you have!

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no he did not

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If a virgin has I.V.F treatment and get pregnant is she a virgin?

Of course! You can only lose your virginity by having sex. There needs to be penetrating to lose your virginity.

Can a child lose virginity while doing sexual play?

Losing virginity is constituted by sexual intercourse. Any way, you may as well not bother with "sexual play" unless you're planning on having sex with that person, and perhaps having an actual relationship.