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I assume your talking about under gravel filters in aquariums. There really is no right or wrong answer to this question. It's all about personal opinion. It really depends on what type of set up you have. In my opinion it is completely fine to have a under gravel filter, it is also unnecessary. If you have an adequate hang on back filter and do proper water changes you will not need this extra filtration. Some think it is nice to have anyway, they say it helps get water flow under the gravel and builds better biological bacteria helping break down the toxins that accumulate. So the ultimate answer is... It's up to you ;) I'm sure this answer is pretty much no help but I have no background information to be specific to your tank, if you want to start a discussion I'm more than happy to answer specific questions. Or find a knowledgeable person at your local aquarium shop to help you out.

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Q: Is it a good idea to have a gravel filter?
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When should you change the gravel in a fish tank?

with a good enoungh filter and some speicies of loach u should not need to change gravel they also sell vacuums that can clean food and algae out of gravel. hope I helped <3

What do fine sand and gravel do to water?

The gravel and sand filter out smaller particles from the water

What are undergravel aquarium filters?

An under gravel aquarium filter is one where the filter is located beneath the gravel. The filter is responsible for keeping the tank oxygenated and looks better out of sight.

How do you separate water and gravel?

BOil the solution then filter it out

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What tool can you use to separate rocks and water?

You can use a coffee filter in first than put your water in than the gravel and that is how you separate gravel and water...:) or you can get a screen like a drainer and pour all of your gravel and water in that.....:)

Do you have to replace the fuel filter if you get water in the gas tank?

It is a good idea.

Can you filter it to separate salt sawdust and gravel?

Yes, assuming you have no gravel smaller than the sawdust. Just think about it for a second.

Why gravel is not good for plants?

it doesnt have soilin gravel.

How do you separate a salt gravel and powder mixture?

1. Put the mixture of gravel and salt in water. 2. Salt is water soluble, gravel not. 3. Filter: the salt is in the solution.

Is it a good idea to just change the fluid and not the filter?

No it is not. Why would you want to pump CLEAN FLUID through a dirty FILTER.

When changing the goldfish water do you need to remove the gravel?

Its a good idea to do so because algae can build up within the gravel...if you have a snail this may not be needed because their "job" is to eat the left-over fish food that turns into algae.