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No - any food not eaten within an hour should be thrown out - and fresh put in the following day.

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Q: Is it a good idea to take out your bearded dragons left over zucchini that night and leave it in the fridge over night so it wont spoil?
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I am getting 2 or 3 bearded dragons in about a week and I read that you should leave them for about a week after you get them before you handle them is this really nesasary?

I have never heard that before. Click on "Handling bearded dragons" under related links below.

How many times do you need to take out a bearded dragon out of the cage?

only need, being, cleaning and care of habitat/ cage. Otherwise , naturally bearded dragons never leave their homes/habitat/cage.

Are bearded dragons omnivores?

Yes. Bearded Dragons are omnivores, capable of subsisting on a wide variety of food sources. A typical captive bearded dragon's diet consists mostly of leafy greens and vegetables, supplemented regularly with insects. Crickets are the most popular feeder choice, but bearded dragons can also be fed other insects such as mealworms, locusts, worms, and even certain varieties of roaches. Young dragons require a significantly greater insect-to-plant matter ratio in their diets than adults.

What can bearded dragons eat daily?

i always put some iceberg lettuce and shredded carrots in a bowl and leave it there all day so he can choice to eat it when he wants

Do bearded dragons care for their young?

No, once the eggs hatch, the mother bearded dragon will not recognize the babies as her own, nor will any other bearded dragon in that environment. She or will most likely eat them, thinking they are food. So once the babies are born, separate them immediately into another tank. This is the best for their health and survival.

Should you bury bearded dragon eggs in the container?

no, leave them how they are

What should you do when it is hibernation time for a bearded dragon?

Leave it alone.

How long is vegetarian chili good for in the fridge?

Don't leave it more than 3 days in the fridge.

How long do you leave cow milk in the fridge?


Can cheese be blue?

yes, if you leave it in the fridge for a month

Do macrel smell?

Yes leave them in the fridge for a week :)

How long can you leave macaroni and cheese out of the fridge?

6 hours