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no, leave them how they are

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Q: Should you bury bearded dragon eggs in the container?
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Why do bearded dragons bury themselves in their sand?

to keep themselves warm at night. so you need to put a lot of that sand with calcium in it

Who does the the bible say should bury the dead?

let the dead bury the dead

Why do dragon fish bury themselves under the rocks?

and how long will they stay buried under the rocks before the die?

How do you care for baby bearded dragons?

if you want to know any of that and more about animals go to its about animals and im pretty shore it has bearded dragons reccommend it to your friends and even sign up and become a member its great fun and u can make animals pages to

What do you call it when you bury something for people to find in the future?

A time capsule is a container with things in it that is buried with the intention that it be dug up and examined by people in the future.

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You should bury it because its dead because you use this for life's questions.

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Why should we get rid of garbage?

Bury it as it will create methane fuel

How much dragon bones does it take to 60 to 70 prayer?

well that depends on how much prayer ex points you get after burying a dragon bone but in my opinion their the best bones to bury also good money making option

How can you tell if a female bearded dragon is going to lay eggs?

Well, assuming that you know it's a female, and that you know she's been fertilized, and her belly has assumed the much greater size than normal--she's laden with eggs--she will naturally start to dig underneath the substrate to bury the eggs. This can actually be a bit confusing, because Bearded Dragons tend to dig a lot, anyway. Best bet: keep your eye on her without disturbing her, and watch for unusual (for her) behaviour.

Can you give a sentence bury ones head in the sand?

You should stand up and take notice, don't bury your head in the sand like an ostrich.

Why should you bury dry leaves in pit instead of burning it?

Burning dry leaves causes air pollution.Instead we can make a compost pit and bury in it.