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That's a good science project.That's what I'm doing for the science fair.I'm going to dissolve different types of pills with cold water and time which ones take more or less.Then we're going to test it again-but this time with hot water.Then wer'e going to be able to tell what is the difference between using hot water and cold water.

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Q: Is it a good science project to dissolve pills with liquids?
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Is dissolving pills with water a good science project?

I think it is a good idea dissolve pills with water.Anyways that's also my science project.YAY, GIVE ME FIVE!

Which dissloves faster capsules or tablets?

chewable pills dissolve faster than any other pills known to man kind. in 1763 a German scientist, named Adalfreddo Abdulo made an experiment using different types of liquids and put in a pill ( unknown name)

How long does it take for a tablet to dissolve?

It doesn't. The amount of time it takes for a tablet to dissolves depends on the tablet brand. Some brand names dissolve faster but some other tablets can dissolve faster.

Can you test pills in vinegar to see if they dissolve?

I thought that you could test pills in vinegar to see if they dissolve. That would tell you if they dissolve in your body.

Can you dissolve augmentin pills will water for a cat?

Yes, Augmentin pills can be dissolved in water in order to give to a cat. The pills expand at first, but then begin to dissolve into the water.

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What is the chemical that makes pills dissolve in your stomach?

The stomach produces hydrochloric acid. That and the enzymes present and water will, in some combination, dissolve a pill.

What pills clean marijuana from your urine?

I wouldn't risk taking any pills to clear out your system. And if you're going to get drug tested, you shouldn't be smoking it anyways. The best way to clear your system safely is drinking. LOTS OF WATER AND CRANBERRY JUICE. Liquids, liquids, and some more liquids.

Can You dissolve prescription pills before taking?

it depends on which pill most pill yes you can

Is it possible to take pills with cool water?

Yes. Pills even dissolve with or without water by your secretions in your GI tract. It is always preferable to take with water or liquid to dissolve pill more rapidly so that medication can work faster.

Do pills dissolve faster in sugar water or in salt water?

both conditions lower solubility

What are things that are measures in gram?

some things that might be measured in grams are liquids, pills, and weight.