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Yes, if you have joint legal custody.

Yes, if you have joint legal custody.

Yes, if you have joint legal custody.

Yes, if you have joint legal custody.

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Yes, if you have joint legal custody.

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Q: Is it a violation of court order when the mother does not share medical and school information when you have joint custody?
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Can a child receive medical benefits if the mother has sole custody and the father dies?

Yes a child can receive medical benefits if the mother has sole custody and the father dies. The state will provide the mother with assistance which will include medical benefits for the child. This can happen with or without the father passing on.

If a couple has joint legal custody and the mother will not provide the father with medical information what are the fathers rights?

A father has the legal right to have or see any medical records on his child even if he does not have custody.The father can obtain the medical information from the doctor without any problems.

If mother have primary custody can she keep the child on the day the father is supposed to have the child?

No, that would be a violation of the court orders

16 yo sons recently declared gay mother has custody but moved out of town within state with her partner Can he refuse to return to her after a visit with dad?

No, not if the mother has custody. Also, the fact that the mother is gay is irrelevant information.

If the mother and father share legal custody and don't agree on a medical treatment can the mother do it anyways if its in the child's best interest and medically indicated?


Can a father receive custody if mother has a medical condition?

There are many medical conditions that would not render a parent unfit to have custody of their child. The medical condition would have to be serious enough that the child would be at risk and the court would review all the evidence, order an evaluation and then issue its decision.

How do you obtain a copy of your brothers poa on mother to see if you have been excluded from medical information?

how do I obtain a copy of my brothers POA on my mother to see if I have been excluded from medical information.

The agreement between 2 parents is custody to mother but weekends for father if the mother dies who would get custody?

the father gets the custody of the child if the mother dies

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Is it kidnapping if a mother with primary fled the state against court order the father took the matter to court and was awarded full custody and the mother still refuses to disclose to location of or?

No! Kidnapping involves other elements that make it a crime. The events described above mean a contempt of court, violation of custody agreement etc.

Who pays child support when no legal custody has been established?

Determining child support has only one goal which is to determine medical, financial and daycare support. Custody is NOT determined when child support is established. To establish child support you have to go to court. Otherwise if the mother was unwed and paternity/custody is not established she automatically has sole custody which entitles you to pay her child support but you are not entitled to visitation, school/dr records etc unless she gives them to you... If custody is not established then the mother has custody

Does the birth mother have automatic custody if she and father are married?

No, although most courts favor custody to the mother.