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Q: Is it against the law in Massachusetts to cut down a holly tee?
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You are supposed to cut the Evil Holly Tree for free players. Cut it down and you'll receive the true year.

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What is the best way to kill a holly tree?

Cut it down first. Put ten pound of salt in 8 inch holes or trench around the trunk.

How long does cut holly last?

Around 3 weeks.

How many have to plant against one cutting down tree?

Plant 3 for every 1 tree you cut down

What happen to Jessie Holly that was cut from the Dallas Cowboys?

he wasn't cut he's still on the practice squad #16

Why do firefighters cut down trees to stop it from spreading?

They cut down trees because building companies want to build more malls and houses for people to live and shop.It is nothing against nature.If the world never cut down trees it will be over - populated with them and no human will have any - where to live.

Is it against the law to cut down trees without planting new ones?

Yes it is. You may log, although if you cut down 2 trees you MUST replant 4 more, so that there is double the amount of living trees. It is illegal to cut down trees without replanting new ones.

In idaho can an employer cut your pay down to minimum wage?

As long as it is not against your employment contract, it is possible. You do not have to continue working there either.

What is a grinder in Massachusetts?

A grinder is a sub sandwich (like Subway). Usually a long rectangular roll cut down the middle and filled with meatballs, cold cuts, tuna or whatever you want.

What happens to the volume of the air when you cut down trees?

If you cut down about 10 the volume goes down 5 if you cut 9 its 4 if you cut 8 its 3 if you cut 7 its 2 if you cut 6 its 1 But if you cut 5 or LESS No volume goes down!

Can you burn holly wood in a fireplace insert?

Of course. It's a myth that there are certain types of wood that you can't burn in a woodburner. Only make sure softwoods are well-seasoned. Holly will burn green and I have just filled my burner with green stuff cut down yesterday and it is burning well!